What Does Western Man Care About?
We may take it for granted, that wherever woman bosses the show, it is because man doesn’t want to. It is not rapacity and pushing on the woman’s part. It is indifference on the man’s. Men don’t really care. Wherever they do care, there is no question of the intrusion of woman. Men really care still about engineering and mechanical pursuits, so there is very little intrusion of women there [today its video games]. But men are sadly indifferent to clerking pursuits, and journalistic pursuits, and even to parliamentary pursuits. So women flood in to fill the vacuums. If we get a House of Commons filled with women members, it will be purely and simply for the reason that men, energetic men, are indifferent; they don’t care anymore about being members in parliament and making laws.
Indifference is a strange thing. It lies there under all the mass thinking and the mass activity, like a gap in the foundations. We still make a great fuss about parliament—and underneath, most men are indifferent to Parliament. All the fuss about a home of your own and a wife of your own; and underneath, the men are only too often indifferent to the house and the wife both. They are only too willing for the wife to do the bossing and the caring, so that they need neither care nor boss.
Indifference s not the same as insouciance. Insouciance means not caring about things that don’t concern you; it also means not being pinched by anxiety. But indifference is inability to care; it is the result of a certain deadness or numbness. And it is nearly always accompanied by the pinch of anxiety. Men who can’t care anymore feel anxious about it. They have no insouciance. They are thankful if the woman will care. And at the same they resent the woman’s caring and running the show.
The trouble is not in the woman’s bossiness, but in the men’s indifference. This indifference is the real malady of the day. It is a deadness, an inability to care about anything. And it is always pinched by anxiety.
And whence does the indifference arise? It arises from having cared too much, from having cared about the wrong thing, in the immediate past. If there is a growing indifference to politics on the part of men, it is because men have cared far too much about politics. If Jim is really indifferent to his little home, The Rosebud, if he leaves it all to Julia, that is because his father and grandfather cared far too much about their little homes, made them a bit nauseating. If men don’t care very vitally about their jobs, nowadays, and leave them to women, it is because our fathers and grandfathers considered the job sacrosanct—which it isn’t—and so wore out the natural feeling for it, until it became repulsive.
Men leave the field to women, when men become inwardly indifferent to the field. What the women take over is really an abandoned battle. They don’t pick up the tools and weapons of men until men let them drop.
And then men, gnawed by the anxiety of their own indifference, blame women and start reiterating such mass ideas as; “man must be master in his own house.”
-Excerpted from “Assorted Articles” by D.H. Lawrence (1928)
So what’s the solution? How do you care when you don’t care?
If you are here, then you care. Deep down.
There is something here. “If men don’t care very vitally about their jobs, nowadays, and leave them to women, it is because our fathers and grandfathers considered the job sacrosanct—which it isn’t—and so wore out the natural feeling for it, until it became repulsive. ” The problem is that there is nothing beyond the job; nothing beyond the house; nothing beyond politics about which to care. The only good seen in these things are that they are good in themselves. There is nothing transcendent about them. They are not valued as good for the Volk, good for the Ideal or good for anything other than themselves. This cannot long satisfy any of our true people. Indifference results and here we are.
“We may take it for granted, that wherever woman bosses the show, it is because man doesn’t want to. It is not rapacity and pushing on the woman’s part. It is indifference on the man’s. Men don’t really care. Wherever they do care, there is no question of the intrusion of woman. Men really care still about engineering and mechanical pursuits, so there is very little intrusion of women there [today its video games].”
Were DH Lawrence alive today in the era of marxist, state-mandated, stridently misandrist ((feminism)) and affirmative action, he might say otherwise. Most men I know, especially those in the STEM fields, the combat arms of the military, and various dangerous or outdoor occupations such as fire-fighting, logging, or oil drilling – most certainly “care” about their professions and oppose the government-forced intrusion of women into positions of authority for which they are genetically, intellectually, or temperamentally ill suited or in other ways inferior to men. Just sayin’.
Very often, indifference is a defensive strategy, unconsciously employed, by Normies. How else do they navigate the Matrix, as it were?
I enjoyed your post, here, as I was encouraged by reading of Hugin and Muninn publishing.
It is most natural men and women of the European races to care about oneself, one’s family, society, each other; to value fairness, & justice; and to want peace and orderliness; and to nurture families and the communities & societies composed of those families; and to learn and seek to understand one’s self and the world around him. The problem now for the men of America, [ as well the UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, Ireland and probably most if not all of Europe] for Americans, is the highly is the deadly grip of a genetic- psychopathic-character based intraspecies human predator-parasite race that has succeeded in turning traditional American society upside down using the control of the mechanisms of culture creation, control of esp. the federal government, acquisition of control of most all levers of power and esp. control of the entire mass media which has been consolidated into a 5 corporate cartel-monopoly for ease of deploying Psy-Ops on the population. Public Education and Academia have been successfully commandeered by infiltration
and history re-written to villify the host majority [White–European-Empathy-based races] most Americans have no idea what is happening or where the changes are generated because they are intentionally non-informed-misinformed-dis-informed. The Parasitic -race keeps all busy by disenfranchising White fold, White men, Western Culture, heterosexuality, biological gender [most recent] and the dominant religion, up to the 1960’s, Christian, is no long a major element of life having been suborned by the 1950’s in large measure to serve the specific psychopathic agenda of the parasite entity, at least as to the largest protestant sects, while the Catholic Church was effectively infiltrated at the highest level in 1958 and has been largely neutered in it’s once formidable resistance to the psychopath-. Domestically the white looking government officials -elected by control of the process of offering just 2 choices and both pre-screened to be subservient to the parasite entity, who then set about the importation of many millions of people as legal immigrants over one million for the last 30 odd years and gradually increased to now over 2 million legals of all classifications, augmented by officially uncounted on average one million Illegal immigrants ; not reported in mass media and difficult to obtain accurate info from government agencies but could easily be 75-80 or more million 80-90% [mostly near 90%] specifically non-White legal immigrants from third world countries since the 1970’s who do not speak English, are poorly educated, have no specialized job skills and are imported to social engineer White Americans-i.e. people derived from European genetic-races who until the 1970’s were 90 % of the us population with Black people being about 9% in a bi-racial society NOT a multicultural society Unfortunately important is the fact that the parasite in large measure has acquired European skin color/ appearances during it’s long attachment to European peoples but retained it’s own distinctive genetic character which is best described as ‘psychopathic’ rendering it a highly effective and efficient parasite/predator which is deficit in emotional capacity which liberates it from the burden of conscience; and frees it from being manipulated by appeals to compassion, empathy, pity, remorse, guilt, shame; which are the most often modalities for manipulating the American population and now most effectively with the sophistication of cinema and TV to complement text media and radio.
tremendous amount of planning and determined effort over at least many decades was necessary to achieve the remarkable degree of control over America and it’s people; and degree of ignorance of the host population as to the causative agency for what must seem crazy and baffling changes, and government dis-concern for it’s population and odd obsession for the welfare of an alien rogue state constructed in the Middle East . And the oddity of removing the manufacturing capacity in large part, at least 600,000 factories, whose machinery was removed and sipped offshore most all of it to Communist China since 2001!. The purpose was to de-industrialize America and destroy the prosperity of White America to make the population have other things to think about [economic survival]
as the vast hordes of third world people dragged in annually were placed across the country in small & midsized towns and cities, and told to keep their native languages, religion, culture/identity as to be expected to adopt an alien European culture just because they moved to America was RACIST. Their placement served to break up any and all large concentrations of White Americans.
Donald Trump has changed things a bit by enticing manufacturers back from a not very positive experience in Communist China other than slave wages. He has not so fard ecreased actual illegal nor legal immigrant numbers which both have risen; but he has made Immigration a topic of daily controversy and with the internet so far, people are able to learn more about the immigration issues if they wish to do so and discuss the matters online and wake each other u to the presence of the dangerous parasite entity. But the hour is late and the parasite has probably moved the expected date by which White Americans will be officially transitioned into a minority then a progressively smaller and poorer minority from 2043 to..? the original target date was 2050 set with the 1965 Immigration Law, the infrastructure change necessary to effect the importation of majority non white population to make a judaic pseudo-utopia called a multicultural society, defined as having only minorities and no majority race; majority-minority was the phrase not mentioned since Trump took office. So definitely trump represents a challenge to the parasite but possibly it is just for the other end of the parasite; i.e. the two headed snake , heads at odd with each other as to where to go next the planned destruction of European races or a slowdown of the progress which will be violent and already billionaires were funding Black Lives matter and ANTIFA as violent suppression gangs designed to suppress White resistance such as resistance to removing historical monuments which was turned into a psy-oP on America called Charlottesville in August 2017 where the mass media in a one voice echo-chamber told us there can be no comparison between the violence of anti-fascist protestors and that of white supremacists neonazis; and a month later the joint congress passed a resolution condemning ONLY the white people involved the violence resulting from attackers on their march in Charlottesville because some whit people defended themselves. the auto accident is still a mysterious thing, as James Fields Jr. was schizophrenic apparently not mentioned at trial nor mentioned that the FBI has been apparently targeting schizophrenics to set up as white domestic terrorists to be arrested and prosecuted as such and I doubt if the schizophrenic is allowed to testify. At about the same time as Fields in Virginia,
another more advanced case was set up to blow up a bank in Oklahoma, but his parents when they found out were able to get the truth out trough an internet news media as the mainstream media is now an arm of the actually hostile rogue government represented domestically most onerously by thee DoJ. including the FBI. Sorry I wrote so much.
I should mention the name of the particular schizophrenic man I read about and I would urge anyone who is interested to look for the interview with the parents where they explain the actual condition of their son whom the FBI had to talk into blowing p a bank and then drove him to the location as he cannot drive because he is mostly not in touch with reality . Schizophrenia begins usally by early ae 20’s and progresses with age. Jerry Drake Varnell, 24 of Sayre OK . I have followed p but I think the DoJ/FBI brazenly pushed their trial but I had forgotten to check what happened until just now. I think the possibility that the FBI is scouting out white schizophrenics to set up as domestic terrorists is a real one that should be monitored. the Charlottesville psy-op was probably intended to introduce white domestic Terrorists as a real threat which it is not since the FBI has to create them from schizophrenics in a truly psychopathic
scheme only possible with that remarkable genetic characterizes the subrace of intra-species predator-parasite devoid of conscience whose inner moral drive is simply self interest and group self interest above all. my opinion.
Thank you Brendan,
Reading your comment was, in spite of its length/rant style, interesting. “liberates (the parasite) from the burden of conscience”… indeed one has better seeing the parasite as it is first and foremost, “psychopathic” isn’t a euphemism. They are practically immune to their own tactics and attacks, but as you probably know, they this have important flaws, not being capable to see the abstract; so they are vulnerable to being used themselves, by an opponent who turns the situation against them. Creating confusion, useless complications and playing on the context etc – as they always do to get what they want -, are NOT tactics for which nothing can be done.
Working on one’s composure is the first step. They play a lot on frustrating the other, accusing them of what they themselves are guilty of… that old chestnut.