The Jewification Of The West
We WILL abolish the Christian calendar and start counting time from 1889, the year the Hero was born.
When, therefore, people of this blood begin to show symptoms of Communism, it can have only one meaning: somehow their resistance has been so lowered that they have become the victims of a virulent infection. And this is what I finally have to declare the influence of Jesus upon our life to be. Whether at its worst, as it comes from the Church, or at its best as it flows from his teaching itself, it is an alien, oriental, Jewish infection. All through the centuries it has meant our weakening, our sickening, our self-betrayal. Indeed, from the beginning it virtually implied and actually involved our gradual enslavement to values, to ideals and to means that violated our instincts. Invariably, and inevitably, if any people gives up the religion of its own creation to take up the religion of an alien people, it surrenders its independence and to a considerable extent its identity. For our people to have adopted Christianity was to yield up their life to the direction of Jews.
Jesus was a Jew by adoption if not by blood. The Bible is Jewish from cover to cover. And century after century we have prostrated ourselves before the one, and by the other have undertaken to guide our own footsteps and those of our children and our grandchildren after us. Inevitably our history since the latter days of the Roman Empire might quite properly be called “the Jewification of the West.” With all too complete justice, a Jew of our own day might claim, as the Jew Marcus Eli Ravage actually has claimed, “We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars: not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. Your religion, your education, your morals, your social, governmental and legal systems, are fundamentally of our making!” He speaks of the “proved control of your whole civilization by the Jewish Gospels,” and concludes triumphantly, “No conquest in history remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest of you.”
For a proud people, certainly at the least one of the strongest and most gifted of which we have historic record, thus to surrender its own soul and let its life pass into leading strings to another race, is a thing of supreme ignominy. And it is a thing of supreme peril. The longer I live, the more do I find myself outside of Christianity, and, moreover, alien and hostile to Christianity. A reading of Prof. Hans F.K. Guenther’s The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans (London, 1967) reveals that we had a better religion, a religion truer to our own traditions and essential instincts, than is to be found in Christianity. And if in the end Aryan man, the supremely gifted and most masterful race known to history, should disappear from the Earth, the primary reason for it will be his having succumbed to the virus of Christianity. This has been the direst calamity in his entire history.
-William Gayley Simpson “Which Way Western Man”
Virus of Christianity? Ever been to Notre Dame or the Church of Christ the Savior? Ever seen Westminster Abbey? Only a Christ hating jew or someone under their sway would say such a thing.
Ever hear of Codreanu? Franco? Robert E. Lee? Jan Sobieski? Edward the Confessor? Justinian? Leif Ericson?
Not to mention the last 1000 years of the Roman empire, or the Cossacks, or Sebia or Montenegro or Armenia?
I could go on and on. The West lost its way at precisely the same time it began to leave Christianity.
“precisely the same time it began to leave Christianity.”
and when was that?
I used to think the same thing, but read the article they have on here from Savitri Devi. You can’t deny the fact that- objectively- Christianity led to globalization, and the destruction of tribal nations… What happened in the Spanish colonies? The European Spaniards mixed with negroes and natives… Created an entirely new mutt race of people with no identity, and the Church not only permitted it but also encouraged it; you might have had bishops here and there considering the natives as different, but for the most part mixing was encouraged and tolerated. Never condemned by any of the clergy. Now we are reaping the fruits of the creation of these bastard “nations”, and hoards of non-white, leeches from the South are invading the US in hoards. Yeah, I’ve heard of Franco, and he is the same fool who permitted the migration of Muslim Berbers and negroes from North Africa and Equatorial Guinea into Spain. Don’t also forget about all the conversos and Moorish converts who intermarried with the Europeans of Portugal and Spain. The same thing happened in Italy. The other figures are not comparable; they lived completely isolated from other nations, and this was not a relevant question. Robert E Lee was a Protestant, which is really not anything related to traditional Nicene Christianity, and he would absolutely oppose race mixing. Codreanu was an Eastern Orthodox, but his opinion does not matter. What would the Orthodox church now generally permit? The conversion of non-Europeans and the acceptance of relations between Europeans with non-European nations. The Russian Orthodox Church proselytizes to non-European nations [e.g. Japan], and permits ethnic Rus people to mix with Asiatic Mongoloids from Central Asia. With the advance of technology and globalization, Christianity has proven to fail our race. Ask any clergyman his view on race mixing, even so-called traditionalist ones, and they will all tell you it’s permissible while very few might disagree. The general consensus is that they will permit it. I’m a traditional Catholic, and before that conservative mainstream Catholic, and I can tell you with confidence that at the end of the day Christianity will not serve our race in this regard. Dare I question any of the mixed couples at my chapel about their decision, and I would be labeled “uncharitable” and “non-Christian”, even by my priests.
The present paradigm is to blame Jesus for Christianity when in fact Jesus was not a Christian as the concept of Christianity did not exist during his lifetime. Christianity was created long after Jesus’ death by a Temple Jew named Saul/Paul who never met or knew Jesus.
The story of Jesus was about his stand against the Temple and its bloody, sacrificial religion. The Temple was the elite Jews’ first central bank. Jesus brought the Temple down single-handedly with his blood sacrifice on the cross.
Hitler did the same with his removal of Jews from Germany. This is why the Jews hate Hitler and Jesus, they both destroyed the Jews’ oppressive power and wealth reigning over their respective peoples. No one can deny that Jesus and Hitler are the two most hated men in Jewish history. In fact there are no other men that Jews attack with such vehement hatred.
Note how Jews are trying to outlaw the Gospels while remaining indifferent to Saul/Paul’s New Testament drivel about the man. The fact is Jews do not hate mythical characters that never existed. However, that idea well serves the Jews’ purpose to keep Christianity going among gullible, Christian goyim who will never accept the idea their savior, god/messiah, who came to save them from their non-existent sins. That it was a mythical character who never existed that provided the foundation for their religious beliefs.
One might note the white men seen sporting hair and beard styles that, whether intend or not, resemble iconic, Christian portraits of Jesus. Such appearances provide a subliminal message to Christians that Jesus was a very real character that walked among us.
Jesus was not god. He was not the messiah, he did not come to save all mankind from their sins. That is Saul/Paul’s Christian invention. Jesus message had nothing to do with anyone outside the Temple. He stated this in Matthew 10 when he commanded his disciples to stay away from the gentiles and everyone else that did not bow in fealty to Temple law. He clearly stated he had only come to save Temple Jews, whom he called “the lost sheep of Israel”.
This is the message for those wanting to end the blight of Christianity on white nations. Don’t deny the existence of Jesus, rather separate him from Saul/Paul’s bogus narrative and Christianity will crumble.