Monthly Round Up: January 2019
Stats update:
July: 1,790 views and 415 visitors
August: 3,642 views and 712 visitors
September: 3,098 views and 546 visitors
October: 5,365 views and 868 visitors
November: 6,613 views and 1,095 visitors
December: 8,750 views and 1,314 visitors
January: 10,879 views and 1,408 visitors
We added 32 new posts this month.
Publishing articles and recording Manifest Destiny shows has been slow the last couple weeks as I have been doing a lot of IRL networking and organizing. Recently Volkish Project members attended a private weekend event in the Northwest where I gave a talk on Spengler and the return the Old Gods. Unfortunately there is no recording, though I may publish my notes. Regular posting should resume later this week.
In addition, we will be releasing the Volkish Principles later this month. It will be a simple, easy to grasp statement of belief and purpose. Think of it as a racialist version of the Five Points of Calvinism.
Over the last two months we have received several donations from kinsmen in the UK. Thank you for your support.