First Steps Of Self-Sufficiency
The most relevant debate today is the one between the ‘movementarians’ and those seeking alternative solutions. Unfortunately, these two camps spend most of their time fighting each other rather than working on their respective solutions. At the end of the day, this leads to nothing besides a few converts in either direction who jump the fence into the other’s camp. No real progress is made. However, there is a lot of common ground to be found between these two idea because both groups share the same necessary first step: self-sufficiency.
It is obvious that a movement seeking to ultimately rid itself of the System would make sure that the System has no real power over it, but almost every group today is still locked down by the System’s rules. How many times have followers of our worldview backed away from action due to fear of System punishment? This destroys the operating capability of our activists and paralyzes our people. Whether it be financial enslavement or threat of being locked up in the System’s numerous prisons, most of us are tied down by physical and psychological chains. The only way to break these chains is by becoming self-sufficient both as individuals and as a group.
The difficult part is answering the question: “How does one become self-sufficient?” There are many different ways of accomplishing this, and some will work better than others for a given individual. First off, you must break off as many financial entanglements with the System as possible. This means having no debt, and being financially secure (i.e. not living check-to-check or being dependent on any of the System’s programs). This is arguably the most difficult step for most of us. Few of us were born with a large sums of inherited wealth, so we are forced to sell our labor to the System just to eat. That being said, taking small steps to win a measure of independence is better than being controlled by the System’s power of the purse.
The next step is being able to defend yourself. This comes in many forms, and you must be proficient in all of them. First is physical defense. Have a weapon and know how to use it in case you must defend yourself. The second is defense played by the System’s rules. While the “justice” System is completely in their control, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of ending up in it. Know your rights, do everything possible to make sure that the System is playing by their pre-established rules. The goal is to limit exposure to the “justice” system as much as possible. Finally, you must limit dependency on the aspects of the System that impact your daily life. This means not being dependent on a grocery store to supply all your food, or needing someone else to maintain your household when something breaks. Learn skills, as many as you can ideally. Furthermore, try to get in contact with other NS folk that can help you instead of the System’s dregs. Once you have accomplished all of these steps, you will be much better prepared to start taking action.
While not all actions are not feasible at the moment, becoming independent from the System is one of the most practical options available to all of us. This is something that we can all start today, and will only have beneficial outcomes. I urge each and every one of you to start this process today, so that we will be able to take action tomorrow.