American Anomie
Chris Hedges is an anti-white leftist. But he also does his homework and he is seemingly sinscere. I recommend the talk he gives here on his new book “America: The Farwell Tour” He’s got that preacher-like style that keeps one engaged.
As I was listening to Hedges speak, I was reminded of something I had saved from a gab poster “Jack Rurik” months ago. Jack was responding to a chorus of chicken littles yapping about government oppression:
“You seem to have no idea what’s happening here. Fed plants, RICO…No one’s going to care.
There’s no 80’s criminal high life to be had, or to be busted. People have nothing. Smart people have nothing. And people in government are too hubristic to care how dangerous that combo is and work to change it.
This is just history. It’s the laws of nature. You create a powder keg country, and it will explode. Nothing on earth is powerful enough to stop this happening. Trump was the last chance to diffuse this bomb. That failed. Now, its just a wating game for the spark that will set it all off”
His speech was a classical example of having the “correct facts” but yet all false conclusions. This is just all to be expected from one deluded enough to repeat such NPC and thus typically expected “talking points”. Even such a “broken clock” is right twice a day, except that when all else fails to prop up the economic House of Cards, they will take you to war!