The First Sign Of Christianity: Marrying Foreigners
I’m sorry you had to see this. Photo is from England btw…
I was always shocked by the National Socialist propaganda, very opportunist propaganda, saying that, “we have nothing against Christianity. We are very good Christians.” That always shocked me. The one thing that I underlined when I read the twenty-five points for the first time—the twenty-five points was at the basis of National Socialism, for the public at least—is point twenty-four, “We stand for a positive type of Christianity.” What does the Fuhrer mean by positive Christianity? Probably: aid one another. All the institutions like NSV, The Winter Aid, Aid to Mother and Child, all these things what the public can consider as positive Christianity: love your neighbor. All right.
And then comes the end of point twenty-four: “The party is neutral in matters of religion. We admit any kind of religion, provided it does not shock the moral feelings of the German race and does not go against the state.” Well, I thought of this, and I said to myself, “Any religion that allows marriage with a view to reproduction between an Aryan and a non-Aryan, provided they are both Christened in the same church, is naturally against the moral feelings of the Germanic people and against the interest of the state and Christianity is one of these religions. A catholic negro can marry a catholic of any country including a catholic German. Why not? They are both Catholics.”
I knew a couple, a mixed couple like that. The woman, a beautiful, young, blue-eyed blonde Aryan, the daughter of a German soldier of the first world war and of an Alsatian woman. Unmarried. Doesn’t make a difference. An Aryan. She met in some barroom in Lyons, my native town, a perfectly brown, dark brown Dravidian of South India, considered by other Indians of upper castes as an untouchable. And he was a catholic, and she was a catholic, and the two married. And they had four children, three sons and a daughter. Fortunately, the children are not married. I hope they never marry. They were very happy together it seems. The man was not bad. I have nothing against him. But I would have liked him to marry a Dravidian untouchable, a Dravidian harijan, they call it, like himself. And she should have married a Frenchman, an Alsatian, or a German. She was a German herself. But because they were Catholics they got married. If they had not been Christians at all, if he had been a worshipper of Mariama—Mariama is a mother goddess of South India. One of the numerous mother goddesses of South India. And she a worshipper of Wotan, like in antiquity, they never would have come together. There you are. That is the advantage of these national creeds, they keep each one in his natural place.
And when they don’t, well, it’s an exception. Or else the two people are very near each other. You had, for instance, probably intermarriages between people who worshipped Thor in antiquity and Slavs. How did the poles come about? Poles are Slavs with a mixture of German. They are not pure Slavs, and so many Russians are not pure Slav either. The Russians, the ancestors of the Russians, before Christianity worshipped another god with a hammer also, with four heads, Perun. Perun and Thor got along very well together. They were neighbors. They symbolized the same thing. Well, why not? They were brothers. They were very near in all this…
The Gauls very quickly married Romans and led to Gallo-Romans. But some of them also married Germanic people. All the North of France is Germanic. And I’d like to point out that not only the North of France but all of the aristocracy of Europe, all the kings and queens of Europe from the early days on, are Germanic. Even the Russians. Who was Rurik? Rurik was a German, or a Swede. It’s the same thing. Who were the rulers of Italy? Well, the German Emperors of course. Who were the rulers of France? The Merovingian’s, the Carolingians and the other ones. They were all descended from Germans, from Franks who conquered France. France was called France because of the Franks, and Franks are Germans.
They were Christians. That was their downfall. That is to say they did not stay purely Germanic because they were Christians. They should not have married people from the south of Europe. They should have married from the north of Europe. And you have some of the greatest emperors of Germany who married foreigners. For instance, Otto II. Otto II married Theophano, the daughter of Romanos II of Byzantium the sister of Basilius, the exterminator of the Bulgarians, as we call him, Basilius II. She was his sister. His other sister, Anna, married the recently Christianized Vladimir, and Russia become Christian, officially at least form that date. The sign of Christianity is, in the beginning, intermarriage. And I don’t like that.
-Savitri Devi, excerpted from And Time Rolls On (second revised edition)
I am Catholic and they never preached such nonsense. I would hear from ppl at the church to marry within your own religion, Not the Church, Not the Fathers. I was raised to marry within your own kind, your own ppl and if you didn’t poverty and unhappiness will follow. I am sure it has changed, and you have to prove to the Lord you are not racist by intermarriage. I am sure the Lord knows, but you have to prove it. I don’ have to prove a damn thing to anyone. Here we go again, instead of the church charging for forgiveness it is prove you are not a racist and then show ppl how you have progressed. Schmucks.
Mr. Dennis Wise of TGSNT recently podded a cast describing how NS Germany threw degeneracy out of the Catholic Church. The basis of Catholic rule — sans the Jewish liberalism and leftist manipulation — was in fact quite fascist, something Italy’s leader and also NS Germany drew a lot from. The photo from England above is a sign of the leftist UN globalist “unchristian church”.
Savitri Devi may be interesting in some regards, but I have yet to be inspired enough to read her works. Granted her weird Kalki avatar wishes for Hitler I doubt very much I ever will. It’s only been 5,000 years since the Krishna-Christ. Kalki won’t show in another 427,000 years, the finest of scholars say. Believing Hitler was/is Kalki is sick, anyway.
Woman for real went into marriage with an african jester demon….