Introducing Volkish Press
Thats right, we are jumping in the book-making game. This is really just the beginning of a whole Volkish platform. Volkish brand everything. It will happen.
But first we are going to publish some books. Our first title is God and Folk, the small volume originally published anonymously in NS Germany. We are selling the book at cost for the Volk. You can find it here

Later we will be releasing a review of the book. The historical importance and revolutionary spirituality of God and Folk has been ignored for far too long. For a taste, read the many excerpts we have published
It is good to see that you fellows are utilising the underrated Lulu for publishing rare and valuable historical texts — such venues are proving superior to the censorious Amazon — good luck at your new artistic and metapolitical endeavour!
I must tell … well, everybody!
Thank you for the support!
The Camp of the Saints, by Jean Raspail, has been branded racist. He had a dream in the 1970’s as this book was published in 1973. The dream he conveys in this book reveals how our goverment bans xenophobia as millions of Arabs, negros, Hindus, blacks, browns, invade our countries and take over. It has been difficult to find.
Lulu link is down?
Yeah Lulu took down our Volkish Press page.
Is this a good substitute for your copy of the book https://third-reich-books.com/product/god-and-folk-soldierly-affirmation/ or do you have another recommendation? It’s a shame book printing machines are so expensive, you could have your own press if they were not. Have you thought about changing up you name to obscure it or use like a coded name? There’s still Volkish books that are not yours for sale such as The Fair Race Darkest Hour, Mein Kampf, and Rise of the Sun Wheel it’s something to consider.
Yes I think that would work.