The Kapparot Impulse: The Jewish Love Of Slaughtering Innocents
above is the NS German sin chicken that they currently project their evil onto. Essay below by Lufti
Kapparot, as most of us here know, is a ritual where a Jew swings a live chicken over his head to transfer his sins into the animal, which is then beheaded, or sacrificed to the jew’s demon-god. Most of us see this as a silly yet cruel semitic ritual, but I think it reveals something deep about the jewish psyche.
Most of us here are also aware that Jews are big on projecting their negative traits onto Aryans, “hate” in particular. Jews project their crimes, and then if they have the power, persecute the people they accused of doing what they themselves do. Hence the jew crying out in pain as he strikes you. Jews, of course, have a long history of genocides behind them which they celebrate during their major holidays.
It seems to me that all Jewish slaughters of host peoples follow the same exact principal as the kapparot ritual. jews transfer/project their sins onto whatever innocent host society they are infesting and then murder its people to absolve themselves in their own heads. I’ve come to call it the Kapparot Impulse.
Look at America, a country that was only ever kind to Jews. Yet they came here in droves in the 1880s and hadn’t taken five steps off the boats before they were establishing Marxist and communist organizations to destroy the country which took them in.
It was America’s innocence which drove Jews into such a hateful frenzy to destroy the people who welcomed them. The Jews came to America, accused America of anti-semitism, and then murdered America in exactly the same way they can take a chicken and cruelly butcher it because the Jew believed it harbored his sins.
The jew is the serial killer of human history, going from victim to victim and slaughtering without compunction. The more innocent a people is, the more jews delight in killing them. Another hallmark of the psychopathic nature of a serial killer. Needless to say, jews are famous for lacking in empathy.
Part of me believes that jews subconsciously understand that they are evil, but since their nature prevents them from addressing that evil, they have no choice but to psychologically expel that evil onto others.
Great article, and spot-on.
Even though I understand that the lead singer of the rock group Disturbed, David Draiman, is Jewish, I believe that the song Believe is like a subconscious admission… much in the same way that Leonard Cohen songs (example: The Future) are. Just read the lyrics with your Rodney Piper glasses on.
“Believe, when you lie
You will never need to
Recognize yourself to deceive
To remove all chance of doubt
And be received with your lie
The deception is complete
When you concede and decide
To reject your lives sacrificed to me
Penance can’t absolve your sin
Into me, penance can’t absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
Believe, when you lie
You will never need to recognize
The source of deceit
To renew your faith in God
You must believe in your lie
The redemption is complete
When you conceive and decline
To release your lives sacrificed to me
Penance can’t absolve your sin
Into me, penance can’t absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
Reap your life like you want to recognize
All you’ve come to
Reap your life like you want to recognize
All you’ve come to
Reap your life veiled in shadow
Recognize faces of the crucified
I can hear their screams, tonight
Ever haunting me
Burn your lie
Into me, penance can’t absolve your sin
Into me, penance can’t absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin”
* One would immediately assume that this song is a charge against Christianity unless such a one were sufficiently Jew-aware and understood the nature of their psychology. The talk of “sin” and “sacrifice” seems to support that first, but I think false, assumption. To my way of thinking, whether the writer consciously knows it or not he is giving the listener a glimpse into the abyss of the Jewish anti-soul. And we must always keep in mind what Friedrich Nietzsche warned concerning prolonged gazing into such a non-place.
I agree with you that the judens project their hate onto the Aryan race. I know what hate is, but not like the hate they have for the Aryans. A hate so vile, they ask for the murder of creatures, woman, children and the old. Transferring their sins means nothing when they commit the same offense over and over. They have learned nothing, they have not absolved themselves of their sins. Don’t they also use money to do the kapparot, but that is too precious for them as they still idolize the golden calf. The Aryans have what they will never have, no wonder they are no longer the chosen people as they were told to cease from practicing their six hundred and thirteen laws. God, destroyed their temple, but they built the second temple and the Romans destroyed that one too.
Don’t say God when you mean Yahweh.