A Brief Definition
The use of certain German expressions for which there are no equaiviliants in English proved unavoidable: Volkisch is not folkish, but indicates a specific trend in German right-wing thought and politics. It is not synonymous with nationalism, since it puts people (or, to be precise, the race) above state and nation as a supreme good. A Bund is neither a bond or an association, but a nationwide youth organization consisting of local groups with fairly strict discipline. In these groups the emphasis was on collective life, on leadership and service. The Wandervogel represents the first phase of the youth movement (1896-1919); the Bund emerged as the main form of organization in its second phase (1919-1933).
-Excerpted from “Young Germany: A History of the German Youth Movement” (1962) by Walter Laqueuer
Thanks for the clarification. I might largely agree with Mr. Laquerer, although I think that either Ethnos or Ethnicity are satisfactory English translations for German Volk. However, in that spirit of correct linguistics, I would point out that the usual English (academic) translations of Herrenvolk / Herrenrasse = Master-People / Master-Race are (intentionally?) wrong: Far better would be Lordly Ethnos / Lordly Race. Indeed, German (like English) has distinct words for master (Meister) and lord (Herr). In any event, your elucidating content is recognised and appreciated!
A subject deserving of consideration. I would largely agree with Mr. Laquerer, although I think a reasonable English translation for German Volk is either Ethnos or Ethnicity. Accordingly and in the spirit of better translations, the common (academic) translations of Herrenvolk / Herrenrasse = Master People / Master Race are (intentionally?) wrong — better would be Lordly Ethnos / Lordly Race. For just like English, German has distinct words for both master (Meister) and lord (Herr). Anyway, thanks again for your elucidating articles.
I do enjoy your articles, especially since your writing has a different perspective and it brings a new fresh air. I am a big follower of Hitler and what he believed in. He used words that translated into English would have a negative connotation, but the English language is limited. As I know, the Hitler Youth were taught discipline, morals, and being prideful of their heritage.