The Necessity Of The Task Force
read the rest of Colin Jordan’s work here
The corollary of all this is the conclusion that, in so far as the support of the masses is needed in one form or another for the attainment of state power in one way or the another, this can only be obtained through a breakdown of the society of the old order so substantial as to galvanize the docile slaves of the silver screen into a rejection of their enslavers.
Thus today, in place of political parties fantasizing about the mobilization of the mesmerized masses, we need to adopt and develop the conception of the task force or elite organization of activists engaging only in cost-effective activities to undermine the fraudulent and disastrous system of Democracy in the conviction that through the high quality of its personnel and their operations an effect can be achieved out of all proportion to the numbers and the Cost, and far greater than the ability of parties.
For such the prerequisite is the realization that the gravity and urgency of the struggle makes it tantamount to a war, and that the ubiquity of the menace makes that war a war on all the fronts of life, and thus a total war. Thus, for this spearhead of the struggle politics becomes a whole way of life, not just the fragmentary involvement of the party. One joins the later with a signature and a subscription.
One becomes part of the former by living the cause as a worker and fighter. It follows from this outlook of the vanguard for victory that a high standard of political education, systemic training for present activities, and far-sighted preparation for the future culmination of breakdown, is imperative.
Whereas parties are concerned to talk about the betterment of things after an electoral triumph, the task force is concerned to practice the better life as much as possible now in anticipation of the future formation of government. Hence it is concerned shrewdly to survey the extent to which, even today, the new can be practiced within the frontiers of the old, and thus to that limited but nevertheless substantial extent society can be here and now transformed from within.
This means not only the daily code of living of the isolated individual, but also the coalescence of individuals in residential communities, providing a microcosm of the New Order; or, failing that, business ventures and other functional projects; remembering that, as a side effect, the finest propaganda is provided by an example in practice.
-excerpted from Colin Jordan’s “National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future”