The NS Kindred Experiment
below are passages from an article or book (I can’t find the source now) that profiles the life and work of Jost Turner. Jost was an Aryan American mystic and leader who created a volkish community in the foothills of the California Sierras in the 1980s and 1990s.
“We must form new Folk-communities,” the National Socialist Kindred declared, “from which we must make every effort to bring forth a more highly-evolved species, Ubermenschen, who will one day lead the world back into harmony with Nature and toward that golden age envisioned by Adolf Hitler” (“Folk and Fatherland” n.d.) Inspired by Nietzsche, Jung, and the esoteric Hitlerite Miguel Serrano, Jost viewed Wotan as a personification of man’s highest evolutionary level. To Jost, Odinism shared with national socialism the aim of bringing forth a race of supermen (“Incarnation of Wotan” n.d.). Much like Else Christensen, he interpreted “true” national socialism as essentially a decentralized communal vision: “National Socialism is simply a modern-day revival of Aryan Tribalism”. Aiming to become self-sufficient by farming, weaving, and other handcrafts, Volksberg also established a small Wotan school for providing primary education for the commune’s children. Searching for the roots of ancient Norse Ariosophic wisdom, Jost in the 1990s returned to his earlier exploration of tantric Hinduism, inspired in part by the seminal national socialist esoterics Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano, and added his finding to an evolving Norse-Hindu synthesis…
Nevertheless, these urban refugees had done a staggering amount of research, and a great deal of practical application in the field of self-sufficient homesteading. They learned to build their own simple shelters, everything from log cabins to yurts. They learned the skills of organic gardening, animal husbandry, and home processing of foods. The revived the arts of midwifery, herbal medicine, and such skills of self-sufficiency as spinning, weaving, and leather craft. In the spirit of being anti-establishment, they put great effort into supporting themselves off the system, and made some great progress in the area of cottage industries. They spurned corporations and conducted their business exclusively with thrift shops and small businesses. They made great progress in pioneering alternative education for their children. As their numbers grew, they began manifesting a real spirit of community and Folk.
These modern-day pioneers were happy to help any newcomer, and I spent the next couple of years learning the many skills of homesteading and self-sufficiency. For the first few years our family lived in crude octagon cabins, barns and even teepees. We cut firewood with antique handsaws, used herbal medicines, raised organic gardens, and learned to process our own food. Our lives were simple, yet fuller than ever before. Summer work was hard, but there was always ample recreation at the river swimming hole where numbers of locals from all over the mountain ridges would congregate to relax and cool off. Like our pre-Christian ancestors of old, they were not burdened by Christian puritanism. They saw nothing evil or dirty about the human body, and they swam and sun-bathed quite naturally unadorned by swimsuits or cutoffs. Winter was the time for enjoying the fruits of the summer labor. We joined other modern-day homesteaders in rough-hewn cabins all over the mountains, sitting around the wood stove, repairing tools, watching the rain and the snow, and planning the next seasons chores…
“Adolf Hitler was literally an evangelist of love. His words, his actions, his entire essence is testimony to his selfless love for his Folk. Anyone who takes the time to honestly examine Adolf Hitler’s speeches and writings can readily see the great love he had for his Folk. His actions proved his words. Everything that he did was done for the benefit of the Folk. The welfare and higher evolution of the Folk is the only reason for the existence of National Socialism. Every aspect of National Socialism, no matter of small or insignificant, is for the present and future benefit of the Folk. Every decision was based on the answer to one question: Is it good for the Folk”
For Jost, the failure of National Socialist Germany and the dismal condition of the contemporary Aryan race may be traced to the failing of the Aryan rather than the seemingly superhuman guile of the Jews. In a remarkably literal sense, Jost posits Hitler as a Christ like martyr who was destined to be overcome by the forces of selfishness and materialism,” in order to awaken the white man to the evil of this world and to prepare him for the apocalyptic battle to come. In Jost’s terms: “There is no other way except for Aryans to experience the horrors which await them, and these horrors are coming soon!”
Hitler loved Germans so much he forgot to hate their enemies, the Jews, with equal passion. Germany paid the price for its lack of healthy anti-Jew hatred.
Jost Turner was a noble man and also just a really nice person who took the time to offer me lots of practical advice. I miss Jost very, very much. I hope to speak with his surviving family.
God(s) bless Jost
Wow. Thank you for keeping his memory alive.
Please, do you know any of his meditation practices or his mantras??
Like the powerful one that got Ernst Zündel out of prison?? I need help finding that out!
Please, do you know any of his meditation practices or his mantras??
Like the powerful one that got Ernst Zündel out of prison?? I need help finding that out!
Hong Sau techniques with Kriya Yoga.
…you do know he DIED doing this, right?
Jost was a great inspiration. A few friends and I are soon to create our very own folk community.
Hail the Gods, Hail the Folk.