That Stage Of Nihilism
“Nor do I consider unusual that stage of nihilism in which I abide as in a waiting room, half bored, half expecting the warning bell. Individuals become passengers, and it is surprising that the waiter still takes their order? Given the sinister way in which our world is changing, almost everybody ought to be familiar with this mood, in which one begins to doubt rationality. Perhaps the whole thing is a ghostly dream.”
-Ernst Junger from “Aladdin’s Problem”
“I just get up every day and none of my thoughts have any real solidity, life has no direction. It’s like ‘thinking’ feels too arduous, like running through wet cement, so I just make all decisions by unthinking half-intuition, try to avoid catastrophe, preserve basic metabolic equilibrium.
But years keep passing like it’s all a dream, the same nebulous half-ideas and half-perceptions keep churning through my mind’s eye, year after year, then drop out of sight again. Nothing builds toward anything. Nothing is happening.”
-Anonymous depressed lawyer
When I think about how best to describe what the Jews have done to the life of our people I keep coming back to a phrase I first heard from Churchill (may he rot in Hel). He described the Jew’s mission as a “world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality.”
Arrested development. No growth. No change. Simpson made the same point about the effect Christianity has had on our spiritual lives; it has “sterilized the soil” of Aryan man and “taken away his struggle, without which there is no growth, no fulfillment.”
It has often been said that our society has been feminized and that this explains our state of arrested development. But this isn’t exactly true. Men haven’t been feminized, they have been de-masculinized. Likewise, women haven’t been masculinized, but rather robbed of their inborn femininity. Men and women haven’t become what they were meant to be. Wehaven’t become what we were meant to be. Our natural maturation has been blocked and thus our entire society has been infantilized. We are a throng of overgrown, lazy, irresponsible teenagers.
And this is what induces the nihilism that the anonymous lawyer described so well above. There is a sense that something is missing, that something desperately needs to be accomplished, but due to a perverted development and lack of true growth, that fulfillment seems out of reach. As Junger said, we are all familiar with this feeling; the boredom of awaiting catastrophe.
This apocalyptic thinking paralyzes us. Why bother working on something if you perceive that everything is crashing down around you, or will be in short order? But working is the only thing we can do. Our daily struggle often “means keeping still, waiting, and working to improve oneself in secret.” And there is nothing wrong with that. It’s not exciting, but that’s what life—and thus development and growth—consists of…one vile fucking task after another!