The Essential Political Strategy
essay by Lufti
Jews only win if you refuse to fight them directly.
No one understands this more than the Jews themselves. It’s why the last thing they want anyone to do is explicitly name them as a Jew. We here on TRS love to throw that Goebbels meme around, but what he said in that quote is very profound, because Goebbels understood something very fundamental about Jews; deep down, they know they are criminals. The fear that every jew has is that he will be “found out.” It’s the same fear that a fugitive has: someone walking into the dark and shinning a flashlight onto him. William Kristol can take being called a warmonger, neocon, or even a Zionist, but he can’t take being called a Jew. The term jew itself has an innate negative connotation of dishonesty and lecherousness. The word has a weird, squishy sound to it. Jew. It sounds like a gross bodily function.
Jews fear White nationalism.
There is a reason by Jews fear this more than they fear individual ethnic nationalism. They can control ethno-nationalists. They did this during WW2 to get the English, French, and Russians to destroy Germany in the name of freedom and national sovereignty. They cannot control White nationalism. If people like the National Socialists—i.e. people who understood that the jews were the enemy of all Europeans and formed the Waffen-SS as a pan-European force that was 60% non-German—had come to power all over Western Europe, jews would not have been able to even start WW2, let alone wage it.
In closing, the point is this: to save our race, we are going to need to develop an explicitly pro-white, counter-semitic intellectual movement that is buttressed by populism and unapologetic, uncompromising White nationalism. It needs to be fact-based, charismatic, and aggressive. The leaders need to take hints from people who beat the jews in the past, not the conservative losers of the past half-century. Whites need to understand they are under attack by a foreign people who have colonize their lands, as external physical threats are more easily understood and rallied against than psychological ailments (pathological altruism, White suicide, etc.). And finally, the way to beat jews is to hammer them at their weakest point, which is their identity as Jews. Reveal the distinction between White and Jew and the vast majority of Whites will see where the true battle lines are drawn and will side with their own race. This is the way forward.
You forgot to mention the jingoes (Boer traitors) or white traitors, they are the worst. They feign to be on our side while selling us out to the enemy, and the coolies and Kaffirs. Sadly, good leaders are hard to come by, of course the leader we do get isn’t evil and driven by hatred as the jews are. To have a good leader would mean someone who loves it’s people.
“It needs to be fact-based, charismatic, and aggressive. The leaders need to take hints from people who beat the jews in the past, not the conservative losers of the past half-century. ”