What Is A Folk School?
The description below is taken from the North House Folk School (located in northern Minnesota). Here is a list of folk-schools across the country. Creating our own folk-school that pairs traditional craftwork with proper spiritual and ideological education is one of my long term goals in Volkish Project.
“Folk schools emphasize learning for the sake of learning. There are no exams, no credits, and no term papers. As much as our courses teach a particular skill (timberframing, basketmaking), they also encourage lifelong learning. This type of learning environment is inspired by Scandinavian folkehøjskolers (folk high schools).
Folk schools can be found around the world. In America, the number and popularity of folk schools is growing. Many of these new folk schools emphasize subjects such as music, theatre, art, tradition, and craft.
Our focus at North House is born largely from our location. In the northwoods of Minnesota, on the shore of Lake Superior, we emphasize traditional northern craft.
Five basic tenets guide all of our classes and programs:
- Create a rich, positive environment that inspires lifelong learning in a non-competitive environment
- Promote and preserve the knowledge, skills, crafts and stories of the past and present
- Help students recognize and develop their creativity, talents and interests in a student-centered environment that affirms individual differences
- Foster the concept of intergenerational learning
- Provide creative and meaningful opportunities for individuals, families and groups
In discovering the cultural heritage of the north, our students integrate the technologies of the past with those of today, expanding their personal perspective and elucidating both the present and the future.”
Sounds to be an interesting concept, much like the way Noah Webster intended American schools to be. He also created the American language, drifting away from the British, hence the Webster’s Dictionary. He was also one of the founding father’s of America if most have forgotten. Great leaders come from simple backgrounds.