This is Something New
One form of Odin is dead, that is, the Odin who was the highest of the many gods who appeared as the embodiment of a generation still given up to natural symbolisms. But Odin as the eternal mirrored image of the primal spiritual powers of Nordic man lives today just as he did over 5,000 years ago… He embodies himself in honor and heroism, in the creation of song and or art, in the protection of law and in the eternal search for wisdom. Odin learned that through the guilt of the gods, through the breaking of the bond to the builders of Valhalla, the race of the gods must perish. Despite this decline, he nevertheless commanded Heimdall to summon the Aesir with his horn for the final decisive battle. Dissatisfied, eternally searching, the god wandered through the universe to try to fathom his destiny and the nature of his being. He sacrificed an eye so that he might participate in the deepest wisdom.
As an eternal wanderer he is a symbol of the eternally searching and becoming Nordic soul which cannot withdraw self confidently back to Jehovah and his representatives. The headstrong activity of the will, which, at first, drives so roughly through the Nordic lands in the battle songs about Thor, showed directly at their first appearance the innate, striving, wisdom seeking, metaphysical side in Odin the Wanderer. But the same spirit is revealed once again with the great, free Ostrogoths and the devout Ulfilas. It is also revealed, in accordance with the times, in the strengthened Knights Order and in the great Nordic western mystics as seen in their greatest spirit… the soul which once gave birth to Odin… was also reborn in the soul of the Thomas church cantor, Bach, and in Goethe. From this viewpoint our assertion will appear deeply justified, that a heroic Nordic saga, a Prussian march, a composition by Bach, a sermon by Eckehart, and a monologue by Faust, are only varied experiences of one and the same soul. They are creations of the same will. They are eternal powers which were first united under the name Odin and which later gained form in Frederick the Great and Bismarck. As long as these powers are operative, as long as Nordic blood mixes with a Nordic soul and will, Nordic man will be active and work in mystic union. This is the prerequisite of every true to type creation.
Only the Myth and its forms are truly alive. This is the thing for which men are ready to die.
-Alfred Rosenberg, Myth of the Twentieth Century , pp. 456-457
“The characteristic thing about these people is that they rave about old Germanic heroism, about dim prehistory, stone axes, spear and shield, but in reality are the greatest cowards that can be imagined. For the same people who brandish scholarly imitations of old German tin swords, and wear a dressed bearskin with bull’s horns over their heads, preach for the present nothing but struggle with spiritual weapons, and run away as fast as they can from every Communist blackjack.”
–-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Is Volkish Heathenry or Paganism at odds with the National Socialism? Does Alfred Rosenberg contradict his Fuhrer? Does the realization and recognition of Wotan as the embodiment of the Nordic Soul and Blood stand as an affront to Adolf Hitler; his mission? His sacrifice? The answer is a resounding No. As the title of this post states: “This is something New.”
Mein Kampf was a political tract, a book born out of the world of Weimar Germany and rooted in realpolitik. Christians, Industrialists, and Monarchists all needed to be courted and rallied to the cause of National Socialism in order to both bring the Germany out from under the yolk of Weimar and to usher in the coming Thousand Year Reich.
In our century, we are seeing the demise of Christianity and tasting its final poisoned fruits. We no longer need to placate the followers of Jehovah. Instead, they need to be driven out, destroyed, and unmasked as the subversives they in fact are. The poisonous, jewish nature of Christianity can no longer be denied.
“We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with Christianity; this greatest of plagues which could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict.
If our generation does not do it, then it would, I think drag on for a long time.
We must overcome it within ourselves.”
-Heinrich Himmler, June 9th, 1942 Berlin
The way our gods manifest to us changes over time, but they themselves do not.We need to embody the zeal and the fury of Wotan as we struggle to defend our Volk and implement the Five Points of Volkish. How will this be accomplished? We’re doing it here. Now.