The Spirit Of The Thing
Over the next few weeks, I will repost some pieces from the publication “Crossing the Abyss.” The magazine, which claimed to “shed light on the murky area between cutting-edge Aryan pagan spirituality and revolutionary realpolitik,” was the creation of the now defunct White Order Of Thule. Essay By Max Frith.
A very good question has been asked of me numerous times; the topic, although related to extra-Movement activity, sheds much light on the mental state and present revolutionary capacity of our Movement. That question is, simply, how can I speak well of, and essentially supportive of, the I.R.A., when they have proclaimed some communist-like beliefs?
The answer to this question is multi-layered. First of all, and most superficially, I have personally met many IRA supporters (direct supporters) and even IRA personnel. Never has one held even the slightest communist beliefs, or had the faintest affinity with Marxism. Their war is a war of Irish against British (and “Loyalists”; in our Movement we would consider this the equal of “race traitors”); a united Ireland vs. a militarily occupied Ireland. There is no “class war,” it’s not “workers against bourgeoisie.” It is a racial war—Irish and their homeland against British and their money-motivated occupation.
Secondly, there is a more subtle understanding of my position, one which bears upon our attitudes as alleged revolutionaries. There are necessarily two dimensions of an ideal—its essence, and its form. The essence is the underlying principle, the spirit of the thing. The form is that principle or spirit’s outward manifestation; its activity in worldly affairs.
In actual battle, the difference between essence and form can be equated with strategy and tactics. Strategy is the underlying elements and procedures which will be relied upon to attain superiority over a foe; tactics is the actualization of this strategy in the form of combat maneuvers and engagements.
The essence of a thing is fundamental and all must be built upon it, including form. Essence endures, while form may, and often must, change continuously. Without the essence, a useful form cannot be actualized, or even truly comprehended.
Thus the I.R.A.’s battle, in essence, is a battle of the Irish trying to unite their entire nation. This essence can manifest as guerrilla warfare, terrorism, or conventional engagement. Its outward form can also proclaim fascist or socialist tenets. If the essence is sound, the form, perfect or flawed, is a tool of that essence. If the form prevails, the essence prevails—because the essence is the creator and utilizer of the form it is controlling.
Our Movement is opposite of the Irish one. We lack a sound understanding of the essence of the cause. Because we lack the true spiritual essence of racial and cultural destiny, our forms, though seemingly correct, are superficial. This is why I declared before that all our programs are two-dimensional, and that three-dimensionality kills them—lacking the essence of the thing in itself, all forms cannot be creations and/or tools of the essence, but of our reactive minds. Our forms are not actualizations of destiny, but rather what we think they should be. Hence our “National Socialism” is based almost solely on the Third Reich, our “Paganism” on the Vikings, our “racialism” on skin color. The true essence of these things–National Socialism, Paganism, and race–is little under-stood, and for this reason, our forms are old, outdated, and unable to evolve. So, even though the I.R.A. has made some mistakes in its political espousals, because the essence of its cause remains true—that is, a united Irish homeland—its forms, whatever they may be, will serve that cause.
Because our Movement has disregarded a deep understanding of the essence of our cause, our forms, good or bad, have not and cannot truly serve it.
Therefore, we must cease the needless concentration on forms, and disunity because of it, and instead learn the essence of what we stand for, what we want, what we really need. Then all forms, political or military, philosophical or spiritual, cultural or financial will serve our cause, and bring us the success the I.R.A. enjoys today. In Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche said: “If we possess our “why” of life we can put up with almost any “how.”
Point well-made sir, thanks for making this exemplary case.