Neuschwabenland + New Swabia Land

Introduction : This present popular literary work* on the German Antarctic Expedition of 1938-39, from the pen of Dr. Ernst Herrmann, gives a vivid picture both of the course of the 117-day sea-voyage that drove the expedition ship to its exploratory zone off the ice-armoured coast of the Antarctic continent at the end of the World, and then back home again; as well as of the myriad activity that filled the daily lives of the 82 expeditionary participants.
*Deutsche Forscher im Südpolarmeer : Bericht von der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition 1938-1939; Ernst Herrmann; Safari-Verlag; Berlin; 1941
There is the distinct possibility that something special, something beautiful, something favourable to the Aryan, dwells in Antarctica:
What wonders did the German Kriegsmarine find during its Antarctica Expedition 1938-1939 in the territory of the projected National Socialist colony of Neuschwabenland (New Swabia Land)? Click here for the original journey memoir book.

What did the American Navy find there during its Operation High Jump 1946-1947? Click here for Part 1 and here for Part 2 of the original official documentary film.
Are Nordic extraterrestrial biological entities (i.e. High Elves) involved in some manner and working with the American Navy? Click here for video of a conference speech with slide-show presentation.
Has the American Navy secretly found an unreal massive basalt fortress with curious Sonnenrad (Sun-Wheel aka Black Sun) motifs in Antarctica? Click here for replay of podcast with graphics, interviews, and exposition.

What does this all mean? Just asking questions…Honestly, I do not know what further to say. Other than this is all fascinating, even fantastical. And in it own Wyrd way, rather hopeful. ~
Added bonus: Neuschwabenland by Allerseelen. Click here for the relevant neo-folk song.
Copyright 2019 of Fritz Maes