Think of the Future, Look to the North
We can no longer afford to think short term. We can ill afford to think of our lives as wholly our own. We owe a debt to our ancestors and must honor our promise to the future.
Our ancestors toiled, tilled the soil, faced insurmountable odds, waged war, made conquest and most importantly wiped out their enemies. Surely, we can say some of this was for their personal benefit. But I have to believe that most of their sacrifice and effort was to build a legacy, to be remembered, and most importantly to build a foundation for their progeny.
We too must engage in that struggle. We cannot let our past inaction, prior sloth, and our previous lack of inertia and vision hold us back:
“National Socialism is not a doctrine of lethargy, but a doctrine of fighting. Not a doctrine of good fortune, of coincidence, but a doctrine of work, a doctrine of struggle, and thus also a doctrine of sacrifices. That is how we did things before the fight, and in these past three years this has not changed, and it will remain so in the future!”
Adolf Hitler, Speech of January 30, 1936
What is this struggle for? It is not mere survival. It is to move forward, to evolve. We must conquer territory and lay waste to the enemies of our Volk. The fury of Wotan inside our people must first be acknowledged and then acted upon. These ecstasies are coupled with a will to evolve; evolution of self, society, and our Volk. Yes, this does mean eugenics. Yes, I’m referring to Nordicism. Ancient Hyperborea is in our past. It also where our future lies. In short, look to the north. Though our enemies are now within us, ultimately, they originate from the “global south.”
“I admit the National Socialist ideal, in it’s ultimate consummation stands over mankind like the North Star. And man will always need a star to gain his bearings. Were man to grasp that star, he would no longer be able to see it. We are on the right path and have the right goal. We will improve upon the German Volk for centuries.”
Adolf Hitler, Speech of January 15, 1936
Engage in the struggle. In doing so you honor your ancestors, your Volk, and the Gods.
Inspirational stuff. Truly. I’m glad I’ve found your site here.
Glad you the post interesting or inspirational. You put things out that are relevant to yourself, not knowing if anyone else will see value in it. If you haven’t yet listen to the podcasts. Some great insights from and by my peers
Thank you for this essay!