Creating Clarity Is The First Commandment
Clarity is needed. The church shuns it. We demand it. The question of resignation from the church is a question of character and conscience. Whoever finds his salvation in the Bible, may become blessed in it. He lacks steadiness and strength without this faith. We want to talk no one into a faith, if he does not come to us with open and searching heart. Our call is for all who strive for fulfilment.
Whoever doubts the old faith and sees the new, may he fist come to terms with himself and fight this battle to the end with sacred seriousness. Our words are for him. We call him, so that the spark in his heart may become the fire that burns in all of us. For the seeking are the most pious of all. Not those who recite faith as it stands on paper!
Millions of Christians live in Germany. They indeed claim they have lost the Christian faith. But they cannot bring themselves to discard the Christian name. In part, they are too comfortable for it. That is how much the highest thing is worth to them. In part, they believe their reputation could suffer. But the most honest always has the best reputation. Others pound their chest: “We do not believe in the Bible and in Jesus. But we are nonetheless Christians, because we acknowledge something higher.”
Then they should not call themselves Christians! By the same right they can claim: We indeed do not believe in the Führer and the party’s principles. But we are nonetheless National Socialists.
No! Either one is a Christian and believes in the Bible and Jerusalem or one is not. There is no third solution. This divorce is necessary for the sake of both parts. For creating clarity is the first commandment.
Today we experience the attempt by upright, pious people to establish a German Christianity in our folk. But the genuinely Christian in it is truly small. And the representatives of this faith would do better to cast off from it the remainder of oriental religiosity and affirm German faith. For German history has not been a constantly progressing Christianizing of our folk, but rather an ongoing protest of the German soul against alien religious doctrines.And what one today praises as Christian accomplishments is for the greatest part the work of the German’s nature, which despite everything preserved its pure energy and deep inside was only seldom really Christian. Hence the attempt to link from a multitude of Christian principles of faith the few that touch us into a new piety must be viewed as half-measure. We reject it.
We stand at the beginning of a new millennium of German history and do not want to introduce it with compromises. The Christian era comes to an end like all eras in the world. When Odin died, Christ arose. And Christ will pass, because Germany lives.
But those who have overcome the old faith and proudly call the new their own have a difficult, but glorious, duty: To be callers and heralds and to live German faith as example.
–excerpted from God and Folk – Soldierly Affirmation by Hans Blöthner. Translated from the Third Reich original which was published by the Theodor Fritsch Verlang in Berlin.
You guys should keep publishing this book, but print it on private on Lulu. Just print like 20 copies (about $100 or whatever), put in “first edition, first printing” language. Then sell that via PO Box. I would like to see your publishing venture back in action. Get a po box a couple towns over. When it sells out, print more copies or something new.
Just because ordering via pod got killed doesn’t mean the whole venture should stop.