Dreamer of the Day
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.
T.E. Lawrence, “Lawrence of Arabia”
Too many in our ranks, fellow men in this “thing of ours” have succumbed to the never ending psychological abuse and prisoner conditioning that we are subjected to on a daily basis by ZOG. Dare I say it they have taken the “black pill.” Instead of focusing on what was once won under the most extraordinary and dire of circumstances, instead of fixating our gaze and resolve on what could be we obsess with our current lot and what was lost.
We have lost our ability to dream. We retreat. We withdraw from the stage. Inaction. Decay. Stasis. Our folk can ill afford awakened men who selfishly indulge in such pity and self loathing.
“When someone says, ‘You’re a dreamer’, I can only answer ‘You idiot…. if I weren’t a dreamer, where would we be today? I’ve always believed in Germany. You said I was a dreamer. I’ve always believed in the rise of the Reich. You said I was a fool. I’ve always believed in our return to power. You said I was mad. I’ve always believed in an end to poverty! You said I was utopian! Who was right? You or me? I was right!
Adolf Hitler, Speech n.d.
We have been shown the way. Great men did what was right. Great men dared to dream. These great men achieved much. We were given a reconnection to our Hyperborean past and a blueprint for the Aryan future. Embrace your role as a “Dreamer of the Day.”
I really needed that one right now. Becoming aware of this “thing of ours,” before I even knew what it was in it’s totality and how dangerous going about it’s realization is without a calculated and methodical approach, has caused a great deal of disruption in my personal life. I learned of all this two years ago when I became aware of replacement migration. At the time, I was engaged to my girlfriend of three years, a perfect Nordic specimen if there ever was one and that’s not by any delusional standard of my own. She also came with what I thought was the added bonus of being incredibly keen and sharp, had an income of a quarter million a year and is powerful on the world stage in her own right. Between the both of us we had a combined household income of nearly $350k per year, lived in the best area of our city, surrounded by all the people of importance in the area. We traveled and ate where we wanted, lived the life that most would kill for. I came across this little thing called White genocide, or replacement migration. I innocently thought everyone around me should know what was going on, that they had to know. What does a man do when he sees an imminent existential threat to he and his loved ones and the entirety of the future of all his posterity? I did what I thought was right, started talking to everyone around me. I carefully tried to inform them, make them aware. With my fiancé and her family, I started talking about replacement migration, race and IQ and floated that idea that it should be ok for our people to have a nation of our own like any other. Well, that set off a chain reaction of first, losing my fiancé, then my community, some of my friends, and then my job. My life, completely cratered and I’m still trying to recover. The world hasn’t changed, I’m what changed. The entire schema of my mental and spiritual world has been remade into something that has no place, except with others, the non-goyim. The problem is finding those people in real life, the good ones. “This thing of ours,” beats many of our people up so badly, leaves them so incredibly isolated they resort to things that make them weaker, and many become broken and lost, possibly permanently. Many of us maintain a sense of connection with the other people out there like us by engaging the same materials that awakened us in the first place, most of it highly negative, focused solely on what the enemy is doing to us, rather than what we are doing or going to do to save ourselves. Our people need to find each other in real life. The folk will not be saved without other folk. Superficial online relationships are not going to do it for us. We will need to find each other to save each other. We really must start to form well vetted micro communities that go undetected by society at large. I would be happy to join with or help form such a community, or work on any project that helps our people form healthy communities offline. Reach our to me if you are either part of such a community, or just want to share ideas about how we can make real life community a reality for our lost people.
Yeah, same thing happened to me. When I first found out about the Jews, I innocently thought that all my family should be alerted. It was an SSPX priest – when “true” antisemitism was still permitted in their movement – who clued me in on the JQ.
It is what is called “gaslighting.” The laws of nature are written upon our hearts, and from early childhood, I would not let this zogged world convince me against the laws of nature written on my heart. I was always against degeneracy – like feminism and alcoholism – even before I knew about Jews, even before I got religion.
Like Ted Kascynsky observed. We are called crazy and put on psych meds because we refuse to be pliant cogs in this crazy machine. The mad have locked up the sane as an English poet put it.
Like Neo in the Matrix, you must develop a contempt for the mob. Each member of the mob is a potential agent ready to sell you out.
There is a nice term in Catholicism: formation. You need to be formed, to develop maturity. This will come in time.
Albert Pike says that what is persecuted grows. This is my most consoling white pill at the minute. We are persecuted, however some of us are growing, and some more will flourish. We are antifragile. The more hardships we survive, the stronger we become. I see a lot of 33s everywhere, which I interpret to be the Universe telling me not to give up!
To a person all the men I know who are aware of the plight of our volk and have either acted upon it or voiced their opinions have suffered; indeed some more then others. Careers, family, women, lives have all been lost. We are not rewarded for our courage or for recognizing this system for the way it is.
Real connections and community building is the key.
This is easier said than done. You put yourself at (further) risk and can expose yourself to bad actors and the Eye of Sauron. In my case I reached out and met people in ‘15/‘16 through those connections have become involved in both Volkish.org and folkish heathenry.