National Socialism Is Not For Export

Michel-stratum traitors, portly-chortling Catholics (also traitors), and even ignorant pro-Whites have been bandying that phrase about for decades. Rather than correct them about its original context, let us correct them about its spirit. But first, we must indeed admit that they are correct!
National Socialism is not for export! National Socialism is only for the Germanic peoples, the best of the Aryans. There can be no Bantu National Socialism (but there will be a Bantu Baptist Church). Even the Japanese, oscillating between sub and super-human as they do, need not apply. But hope is not yet lost. For the Germans are the heart of Europe, and many nation-states house many scattered Germans. Allow our spiritual liege to weigh in on the matter:
“Although I do not wish to discuss any individual official matters here, I would still like to mention in a slightly official way, in my capacity as a military man, what I said before about racial Germans, I beg you never to commit the psychological error of speaking of Germans who came from Roumania or Hungary or Croatia, as Croats, Roumanians or Hungarians. I also beg you never to make the mistake of letting a man who speaks [p. 12] German badly or cannot speak and read German, sense this, or let him sense the thought: ‘You are a second-rate German, for you can’t read or write German properly.’ I beg you rather, (and here too I am stating a very sober opinion), to think in this case of these Germans in the whole of the Balkans, still more of those overseas, in America, when one day we must fetch over here in millions,-and we shall succeed in doing so-who have held out for centuries. I am certainly of the opinion that if a mighty German Reich with an incredible upward urge in its very being and a great German Fuehrer had not now come into being at this time and in the last few decades, it would have been the end of these Germans. A person with a very strong character can personally rise above his surroundings for years and perhaps for decades. A race, if it is in small groups, cannot in the long run hold out against its surroundings. And we must never for-get this: these Germans do not usually live together in hundreds of thousands, but a thousand here in a few villages, and two thousand there, and 20 thousand at the most somewhere else. But they do not live together in large numbers. So they are always encircled by a foreign nation [Volkstum], and surrounded by its influence, but are above all surrounded by the in-fluence of the people of the country. They are not the people of the country, those are the others. They are subjects of a state of foreign nationality, which, in any moment of doubt, is their enemy, or at the very best, as, shall we say, Roumania, a tolerably neutral and impartial observer. But on the whole these Germans have lived, throughout the centuries of German weakness, from the Thirty Years’ War up till now, in surroundings calculated not to strengthen their consciousness of German race [Deut-schtum] but to destroy it.” – Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS
The Germans of the Americas, as of 1943, had either immigrated much earlier and assimilated (North America) or immigrated recently and formed communities (North and South America). As our Reichsführer-SS confesses, one need not speak German (the older immigrants) to be a part of the Volkish body dotting the globe.
The Avatar himself sought an Anglo-German alliance before the Holy War. Why? Englishmen are Germanics (and have a strong Nordic streak), too! As an American reader you too most likely possess this same blood.
Let us correct the phrase that prompted this article:
National Socialism may be freely distributed within the Volkish Body, but jealously kept from those of alien blood!
We will prevail!