The World + This Life + Reincarnation
The following excerpt from the entry for the evening of 23 September 1941 is from the revalidated and vindicated primary source record of the dynamic, free-ranging, and impromptu private conversations of Herr Adolf Hitler. This passage gives us a glimpse of the personal thoughts of the most significant historical figure of the 20th Century—thoughts ranging from the earthly to the heavenly:
There are some who say the world is evil, and that they wish to depart from this life. For my part, I like the world! Unless the desire to die is due to a lover’s quarrel, I advise the desperate man to have patience for a year. The consolations will come. But if a human being has any other reason to wish to die than this, then let him die, I’m not stopping him. I merely call attention to the fact that one cannot escape this world entirely. The elements of which our body is made belong to the cycle of nature; and as for our soul, it’s possible that it might return to limbo, until it gets an opportunity to reincarnate itself. But it would vex me if everybody wanted to have done with life.

Book quoted:
Hitler’s Table Talk 1941-1944: His Private Conversations
Translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens
Introduced and with a new Preface by H.R. Trevor-Roper
© Copyright 2000 of Enigma Books London
Movie stills culled:
Die Nibelungen 1 & 2 : Siegfried & Kriemhilds Rache (Fritz Lang + 1924)
© Copyright 2019 of Fritz Maes.
Are the Table Talks trustworthy? I thought they were questionable, can you elaborate?
Hello Hal:
Thanks for your comment. I too used to question the authenticity. I am now convinced. To severely summarise:
The original was published 1953. Then it came into doubt. Eventually it was advocated authentic again by various historians, including David Irving, allowing it to regain newly vindicated publication 2000 via two translators and with introduction & preface by HR Trevor-Roper:
Hitler’s Table Talk
It continues to be touted by e.g Dr. Greg Johnson and has brief summary of authenticity in the last section of this essay by Guillaume Durocher:
Recommended Reading : Understanding Hitler & the Third Reich
Hopefully that may convince you and others that Table Talk offers us the authentic private reflections & observations of Adolf Hitler.
Thanks Fritz. I will read them.
It would seem suicide is justified for the man with a broken heart. Maybe Hitler was really just a lover, not a fighter. 😉
Indeed, Hitler’s comment in that regard reminded me of the fate of the protagonist of the tragic Goethe novel Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of Young Werther) — perhaps he was fond of that literary work? He prolly read it at least once in his life, as most all literate Germans of his generation tended to do.