A New Model Of National Socialism
Essay compiled from the writings of Rip Steakface of the Purity Spiral forum. PS: Regular Volkish posting will be resuming shortly
I think the development of NS in America is not going to follow the same model that it did in Germany, where one specific political organization gradually grows in power until it takes over the state and becomes the government and everyone is a member of that same organization.
Instead, in America the (((occupiers))) will remain in charge for some time to come and they will use their power to prevent the development of a single, unified, permanent, non-corrupt political movement that is capable of addressing our grievances through the political system.
Instead of a movement that linearly increases in power, until it takes over, I see it as more likely that there would be a series of disposable, temporary forms of political organization, that function for a while and make some headway, before eventually being broken up by the overwhelming power of the occupiers. But most people involved remain available for the next attempt. And a segment of the White population would become more committed to NS-like ideals over time.
There might also be longer lasting organizations, but in order to preserve themselves they would need to strictly limit the scope of their activities, to operate in specific areas that the occupiers have not yet gotten around to shutting down. (Like, creating a pro-White homeschooling curriculum or something). Needless to say, this sort of organization is in no position to boldly proclaim their defiance.
Similarly, as victims of an occupation living under a tyranny imposed by implacably hostile racial aliens, there are practical limitations on our ability to plant our standard and boldly defy those who hold the power in this society. Power is real and power matters, so there are times when we are forced into a role of subverting and critiquing the dominant paradigm, because we are effectively not allowed to proclaim our own truth; either because it’s illegal or because it’s impractical due to censorship, platform access, etc.
So rather than a political movement, I see NS in America as more of a cultural or meta-political movement, at least for now. And rather than directly taking political power in the near term, the function of NS-thinking in America should be to inspire a spirit of resistance and an idea of / long term desire for national liberation and separation from the system. These internal manifestations would be far more difficult for the occupiers to destroy than a specific political organization.
The goal of the American part of this movement should be to legally and non-violently prepare the moral, social, cultural, political and economic terrain for the conflict that is on the horizon. And if you study the material on 4thgeneration warfare, you can probably get some ideas on how to use these moral, social, cultural, political and economic pressures, in ways that are both legal and beneficial to our cause.
Ultimately, there are only two ways out if this and they both require a radical change in the mindset of the white population. Either we deport enough non-whites to preserve the race through inertia and normal mating patterns, or we evolve into something that resembles those weird heretical ethno-religious sects in the middle east…the ones that practice strict endogamy, and refuse to initiate the offspring of mixed marriages into the group.
The first one requires people to deport their own relatives, the second one requires people to exclude their own relatives from the group. That requires a radically different mindset, where people value “Whiteness” over their own non-white relatives or even over their own happiness.
Ultimately, it all hinges on White Racial Consciousness. If we have that, political change will follow, if only because someone designs a super-weapon.