A Fragment Of The Whole
Post by Mitchell
Your genetic heritage is a divine link to a greater consciousness, the Volk Soul. Against this inheritance the modern conception of self lacks all value, and serves as a material distraction from the spiritual realm. Furthermore, the mortal body represents only a figment of the racial individual– manifested for action, but not permanence in this world. Life must not be conceived of in the Christian way; rather, individual lives take shape as fractals of a common Volkish continuum. We embody our ancestors, our descendants, and our gods.
Thus death embodies a new beginning, a return to eternity. We should not fear death because in dying we are repurposed. Our best pieces return to the Volk: reincarnated into our race, merged into the collective unconscious, or transferred into other inconceivable realms. Where do you want death to take you? Live for a greater purpose, and die without fear. Care for the manner of your death because that moment is instrumental. After all, only those who die in battle go to train for Ragnarok in Valhalla.