You Are The Echo Of Your Ancestors
Post by Arimaspi
You say, “If the soul can freely abandon the old body once it expires” and “be reincarnated in a new body” then “what does that imply for the connection between the body”. You seem to be stating this to imply that the body is insignificant in this equation.
Your individual body is indeed temporary but the biological (kin, family, ethnic group) is eternal. This means that my individual body in my current life is simply part of a greater sum, a link in an unbroken biological chain spanning backwards, and forwards, millennia in a cycle through space and time.
Reflect on these words in terms of their literal definition: reproduction…reproduce…as in to produce oneself again. In terms of genetics, realize that every single gene in your body has existed in prior family members. No aspect of your physical body is new, it is “recycled” material from your ancestors. Yet, at the same time, you yourself are entirely unique because they’ve never been arranged in that particular configuration before. So in one sense nothing about you is original. But you’re also an entirely unique iteration of those parts.
The notion of universal reincarnation (i.e; I was a Japanese Samurai in my last life, a Persian tailor before that, and an African tribesman before that) is very recent subversive jewish nonsense intended to confuse our peoples understanding of their own beliefs. No people, not Tibetans, Eskimos, or Europeans believed in that. Hence when the Dalia Lama dies they start searching for his reincarnated self in the form of a Tibetan child, not some Ethiopian or Mexican. The belief in reincarnation, like the various European Native Faiths themselves, are inherently ethnic. This is also why the Latin word Pagan was the Roman translation of the original Greek word Ethnikos. Pagan Faith = Ethnic Faith. Any talk in the Bible of Christians denigrating “Pagans” are Christians attacking Ethno-Nationalists for sticking to their ethnic beliefs and culture rather than becoming a rootless “global citizen”.
If you believe in reincarnation then there has to be an intrinsic connection between the biological and metaphysical realms. How else could facets of your soul and/or spirit be capable of making that connection to the physical world to reside inside the same biological architecture in a reoccurring cycle?
Think of your biological body as structural architecture and the metaphysical as sound waves. Imagine a person singing a song in a recording studio where the walls are made of drywall, or cinderblock, or walnut species wood, or pine species wood, or in a tiny recording studio versus a giant cathedral with vaulted ceilings. The acoustics are all going to possess a very different sound quality due to the interaction between the materials, form, shape, and size of that architectural space and the manner in which the sound waves reverberate and vibrate off of them.
This speaks to the connection between the biological and metaphysical realms. If you alter your biological architecture you will no longer be able to “tune in” to that particular frequency and the connection between the two is severed and lost. This is why race mixing destroys the literal connection to your ancestors and the reincarnation cycle.
Using modern science to illustrate this dynamic we know that a bone marrow transplant cannot take place between a donor and recipient of two different races, even within the same family. If you have a White and Asian couple that are parents to a race-mixed child who requires a bone marrow transplant neither of them are able to be a potential donor because they are too genetically dissimilar and incompatible with their own child. Now keep in mind that the human brain (roughly, as it differs by race and sex) contains 100 billion neurons. Try to conceptualize how complex, intricate, and finely tuned the biology of each creature on this planet is including different types of human beings.

(Pictured above – Actors Clint Eastwood and Roberto De Niro shown side by side with their sons. Say it with me now: Re-Produce, as in, to produce oneself again. One man has succeeded in this endeavour, the other has not)
Jews understand this on some level which is why their most recent, last, and best attempt to destroy us which is currently underway involves race-mixing us out of existence. So long as the biological architecture exists it will continue to manifest itself the same way it always has and always will. It may be subverted but it won’t cease until the architecture itself has been altered.
No Europeans conceptualized the soul as being one unified thing. That concept exists in the Abrahamic religions being derived from Jewish thought. In the Nordic tradition (as it’s the branch people are most familiar with) one aspect of the soul is the Hamingja, it is inherited from your ancestors and reincarnated into you. In modern terms, think of it as a family’s reputation based upon their collective actions and earned by how others in their broader kin-group perceive them and the merit, worth or value of their actions.
You can inherit good Hamingja or not so good Hamingja the same way you inherit your genetics. But like your genes what you inherit is only your foundation. What you choose to do with it during your lifetime can improve upon or diminish it. Some men are 6’3 while others are 5’7. But if that 5’7 guy hones his body and mind he can make the most of it and turn himself into a productive a formidable man while the taller guy may piss away all of his potential by being a meth head or just a lazy useless person.
This was excellent reading. I’ve written many things and thought about many more in terms of reclaiming a positive Aryan tradition.
But I’ve yet to see a more concise and tangible example of our traditional beliefs of reincarnation.
You might be interested in some personal work of mine. It stands apart from the Männerbund, though we have a ‘Pagan’ chapter where such matters are discussed. Follows is a link:
Do ut det, the Romans said.