That Which Cannot Be Integrated
post taken from the twitter of Ben Raymond
Everything is framed in empty words and double speak: ‘British values’, ‘communities’, ‘society’. Say what you want about National Socialism and Islamism—at least they are an ethos attempting to provide answers to those questions. In fact, they are the only ones. Everything else represents a state-based world view based on the worship of ruling class culture. It is naked hierarchical exploitation—evidenced by the fact that the rhetoric of the CTU is identical to that parroted by the populist ‘Far Right’ they persecute.
You must love the state but only with its permission. It is a system of slavery—this is what politicians mean when they say multiculturalism has ‘failed’—so long as culture exists around the suburbs of rootless cosmopolitanism, you have slaves who feel entitled. So far as the government is concerned an ‘integrated’ citizen has no home, race, class, religion, family, community—outside the state. Those that do are dissidents to be monitored, kidnapped, prosecuted, and harassed for life.
The fact that history has been a cycle of invented tradition and myth, that the consequence of slavery creates the desire for identity which does not need to be linear—ensures the perpetual conflict the state apparatus now depends on for its continued existence. Contemporary extremist groups that are targeted by the government are fundamentally postmodern and its endpoint. As the only things left that cannot be integrated into the state, it is their destiny to become the state. Not become the system/ruling class but exterminate it.