A Shameful State
Post by Mitchell
Ordinary White Americans have always been well off in the sense of home ownership and commercial amenities, but not wealthy enough to fulfill a definition of middle class based on true financial independence. More than anyone else, White Americans spend money on entertainment. For many years the idea of buying a TV, radio, or car has been widely accepted and accommodated for in salaries. Moreover, ZOG has encouraged the spread of these consumer products because they delocalize communities and promote a national media culture. Over time, what was once a luxury item becomes a necessity of life for work and social success.

To conventionally succeed in the modern economy, an intelligent American needs expensive cellular devices, personal computers, and a college education. He perishes underneath a sea of debt (slaving for corporate masters), while his taxes fund handouts and training for racial aliens. Meanwhile, treacherous corporations abuse foreign labor at all levels to drive down White American wages. Through government aid and private sector discrimination, the system transfers wealth from productive Aryans to undeserving racial enemies. The negro receives ‘white privileges’ for free, as a right owed to them from an allegedly oppressive White majority.
Beyond mere dollars the system abuses us by wasting our time with degrading servitude. Each year we undertake the miserable responsibility of tax season, a process of immense complexity designed to advantage the wealthy whose money supports a class of jewish tax lawyers. While the rich exploit capital to save their money from the government, our people toil to fulfill and maintain the jewish system at the cost of community and spiritual progress. The system squanders our energy to provide welfare for lesser races, while constantly reminding us of our obligation to the ruination of our own people. If you don’t pay the nigger, then the police will throw you in prison to be raped and broken by guards and criminals.

A cautious examination reveals the endemic exploitation of the White man in capitalist society. We must pay ludicrous amounts of money for college to get jobs that produce nothing, weaken our senses, and deprive us of meaning. At every step the education-business system assaults our racial integrity, and fills our brains with lies. Many of our lost brothers only understand the the world through this lens of systemic brainwashing. But what do they get for it? Any young college student or graduate will remember the shame of groveling for scholarships, or selling themselves to Marxist colleges based on the fading hope of entering the now exclusive ‘middle class’.
I remember how I used to live my whole life to please these colleges: “Look at my grades, look how well I remember things”, “see my volunteer commitments, my willingness to slave to lesser people”, “In my essay, can’t you see how I struggled and pity me?” We pour out our entire lives to those faceless people in admissions offices hoping that we are worthy while worrying that our race’s accomplishments will disadvantage us. We must use tricks and fluff ourselves up to compete for our right to be brainwashed.
The Aryan people are subservient to the completely alien system of blind capitalism. Our pagan ancestors would never recognize the affinity of banking or marketing departments to their own style of production and community. Blood relation trumps transactional bookkeeping in a healthy society. We must begin to care deeply for our kindred, and rediscover our empathy beyond that interracial guilt that they cultivate in us. Reject your programming, and rediscover a revolutionary generosity for your people whom you possess as surely as they possess you.
Against the economic squeezing of the jews, hope lies in a rejection of their rules. We don’t need to base our economy on the ZOG financial system. Soon, our people will rise up, and redevelop the localized and equitable economies of our past. We will establish a new culture, a new Volk, who will rediscover the natural ways to our happiness and peace. Volkish society will replace the false corporate loyalties of modern America with racial community. In the meantime, our Volk should focus on developing tangible skills, useful to our people, and avoiding the worst economic pitfalls of the ZOG system. Boomer anti-socialism diminishes every day, while the momentum of the working class grows.