White Rage Now
White Savagery equals White Sovereignty.
Greatest Generation betrayed both Europa and America.
Greatest Generation betrayed Boomer Generation.
Boomer Generation betrayed Generation X and consequently everybody else thereafter.
The obviously-planned and well-funded simultaneous multi-city attack-strategy of the Covid-19 Offensive of 2020 is proving to be like unto the Tet Offensive of 1968.
Yet true Vietnamese Nationalism motivated the latter, despite the doubtless Communism.
Whereas true Judaic Internationalism motivates the former, despite the doubtless Antifa-Africanism.
American Politicians are weaklings.
American Police are cowards.
American Military are traitors.
Those are the Hate-Facts.
That is Reality.
That is the Truth.
Now is the time for Ethnic Bravery.
Now is the time for American Ragnarok.
Now is the time for White Rage. ~
Copyright 2020 of Fritz Maes