Building Volkish Networks
Post by Wayland Smith
“A small number of dedicated folks can pool resources. If they wanted to buy physical space in the form of a business, land, or other useful assets it would be enough for say, three guys working two jobs each (for a length of time but not permanently) to save up money. Find a method of passive income, and from there you have a small power base from which to operate.”
This kind of “internal recolonization” is being tried by folks here and there. It’s probably the most viable option given the oppressive attitude of Western governments against pro-whites. It not only allows people to organize while not abandoning integration into society, or risking being harassed out of livelihood, it also permits networks to accumulate capital and resources for longer-term activities like providing pro-white families and youth with no-interest loans.
Right now, the two primary weapons used against us are financial and legal. When we appear in public for rallies or marches, they’re resorting to abusive prosecution and lawsuits. While it will be necessary at some point to present the spectacle of a growing, militant apparatus, with marches and rallies, that’s not necessarily the best way to start growing The Network. We need to build a parallel society of sorts, capable of protecting and advancing people with our worldview first.
It is the process of building this parallel society that is likely the most powerful tool of accelerationism. Not only does it increase our autonomy and independence apart from the global financial system, it disconnects us from the manufactured helplessness that modern consumerism fosters. The system depends on dependents. Independence fosters crisis. Since we can’t break away and form little republics by force, we can begin the process through networks of mutual support.
Naturally, other tactics will be used, but the beauty of simply building Volkish inter-networks is that they exist despite what others might try. If the system overreacts and tries to stop people from simply associating based on shared values, then this provides the fuel for other means. Nature takes it course, so to speak.
Jews have used the kind of “Volkish network” tactics I mentioned previously for thousands of years. Most nomadic people do. No-interest loans are a staple of jewish money-laundering and black market “banking”. I think there are even Rabbinnic tracts written about how the Torah and Talmud command jews to give other jews no interest loans.
The modern concept of the Volksbank is similar. Basically, local banks like credit unions, owned and funded by local farmers and businesses for themselves – on the principle of a general Volkishness, of a racial “good”. My suspicion is that Jews probably got the idea from Germans, from the types of communities and economies they had. This system naturally corrodes and competes with the corporatist model we currently live under.
That being said, I don’t recommend we simply imitate the jews. The Germanic concept of the Common Weal has analogous notions, but with land loans instead of money. A networked set of families or tribes would create internetworked land holdings, and “loan” these to people, especially younger families and newcomers. It is also centric to the Volkish concept of colonization, i.e. of turning wilderness into human habitat, or otherwise integrating wild lands into the community.
If anyone has ever studied the German community concept from the 1500s and 1600s on, this notion of the “common weal” is foundational. The idea of the German Mittlestand, which a lot of people refer to as simply the German “middle class” –is actually something much more ancient. Marx thought it was a bourgeoisie, and technically it is, but it grew out of medieval community structure in Germany. (Marx also disdained German traditional culture and thought they were “congenitally traditional”, and therefore, immune to radicalization of the type he wanted). It’s an extremely Volkish concept with roots that can be found in Saxon communities all over Europe and the North Sea region.
I personally believe this concept was around much longer, going back to the Celtic communities of Austria. The Hallstatt city state, for instance, seems to have been a very orderly, complex, and almost self-contained society. There was obviously something of a caste system at the time, but it seemed very orderly and peaceful. People appear to have all been full members of the community, with little or no slavery.
It wouldn’t surprise me to find out there is evidence somewhere for this community model dating back to the Aryan migrations.
“How we can get people to build these trustworthy relationships organically? The starting point would obviously be family and close friends, which would give the cells a Gang-like code of silence and make them virtually impenetrable if kept on that basis. Otherwise if people are shunned from their families/friends due to their worldview they must find more friends, or they will be lone-wolfing it for a while.”
One way to start is to take friends and/or family, and start groups designed to attract people ideal for recruitment. As we discussed in another activism thread, by infiltrating or creating groups dedicated to cultural movements (like HEMA). Another option being church groups. As businessman, you can sponsor events, festivals, or free instructional days, where you teach people about what you make or sell.
The “Wassailing the Trees” event in Sandford is a good example. People there probably view it as a tourist event, a way to promote their bed and breakfasts, their inns, and their produce industry. But the nature of the event is profoundly Volkish. You hold events like these, outwardly appealing to people’s desire to drink and dance, to sell food and drink, and you make sure that enough people with your worldview are out in the crowds meeting people and striking up conversations.
When I used to help a friend with his wood carving business, we’d go to ice festivals and the like. People would constantly ask how they could learn to carve wood like this. We’d bring along chisels and a portable lathe, and teach kids and families how to make small wooden bears. This is the kind of moment you can use to expose people to ideas, literature, refer them to groups, or simply to make friendships.
What a great picture!
This is what is needed. Mutual aid networks arethe immediate future. Find one to join, or start your own
I truly wish to find others that would be interested in forming a Volkish type network such as what is described here. I live in northern Maine and would greatly appreciate hearing from others within this geographical area that are also interested in forming a new parallel society. A small society where people provide mutual support for each other and where secrecy is vital….. for now.