The New Golem
excerpted from a discussion on The Purity Spiral Forum
Wayland Smith:
If you look at the map, there’s already a process of Brazilification underway in the Southern half of the US, and the largest cities like NYC and LA.

Whites continue to retreat into enclaves, and that process could play out for much longer than it takes for anti-white political factions to decide it’s time to explicitly oppress the white populations.
Anti-white rhetoric has ramped up to such a point it has developed into homicidal ideation. Groups aren’t interested in “justice”, they want revenge for past humiliations. It will be an open question whether jews can keep control of radicalized minorities.
This escalation has gotten out of the jews hands, that’s my bet. If we want, we can keep it escalating.
Dr. Livci:
Supporting and nurturing this creates contradictory forces with in the movement, and those who don’t care about politics but only direct action (in the gay liberal sense) may very well take charge and prevent the neo-liberal old guard from taking back total control again. I suspect that those who want to do “Haiti” would be mostly the glowniggers, tech oligarchy, and those who attend private Marina Abramovic exhibitions and people with art collections similar to Tony Podesta.
Of course Antifa and BLM aren’t real red guards, and they are only effective when attacking the helpless and paralyzed apathetic people. They can’t actually fight. They need the Feds to protect them. Those pushing for total acceleration would be hoping for Whites to just start mowing down Antifa and BLM so the Feds would have an excuse to overtly support them. Like Wayland Smith pointed out, they are viewed as assets to be spent by their puppet masters.
My point is just that that Trump is perceived (totally incorrectly) as symbolic of White interest even if he is no more of an independent actor than some upper class Antifa homo who thinks he is Che Guevara. As I’ve mentioned before, this is why I think the Marxists were actually correct about the importance of analyzing dialectics. The establishment neo-liberal old guard may have limited goals they are setting for immediate political reasons, but the smaller, more realistic, extreme, and dedicated wing of their faction may want full on Haiti. And since this radical faction is the more consistent group, they may very well achieve their goal in many parts of the US if the Whites present refuse to protect themselves, and law enforcement openly supports BLM and Antifa.
Wayland Smith:
Trump became this symbol as a result of two complimentary forces: the “Haiti Left” (let’s just call them that from now on) who want white pogroms, and the Establishment financial patrons/clients (the Mitt Romneys and Clintons, the traditional system servants). The first group was embedded in BLM from the start trying to radicalize it – like we we’ve been trying to radicalize conservatism. The second group has traditionally believed they can create, control, and diffuse the radical Left.
But there is something deeply wrong with how the system functions right now. You know we occasionally have a conversation that begins like:
“What if we’ve been more successful than we think, because we have no way to really know how many people we’re converting?”
I think there is some kind of fundamental malfunction in the system. I’ve tried explaining it as “jewish civil war” before, which is kind of true, but I’m starting to suspect the disease is much deeper. There’s probably some kind of larger syndrome as a result of technology progressing too rapidly, and the corrosive effects of social media. Think of the kind of social trust collapse from Putnam’s Bowling Alone, but being amplified through social media to an extent no one can measure.
Jews are far from invincible masterminds. I’m going to ramble about esoterics here for a minute. Their history is a cycle of Towers of Babel crumbling wherever they colonize. They haven’t been a nomadic people for thousands of years just because the goyim were stronger and better at keeping them in check back then. Jews have their own historical cycle as a race. They build a golem and at some point the golem turns. This is because Jews are locked into rebellion against natural laws, against divine forces, against all that orders reality. Aryans are servants of natural laws, or the forces that order reality. We revere those things, we study them, we embody them – that’s why we manifest a weakness for truth, because our instinct tells us that we will die without truth, without the truth of reality. Jews have spiritual contempt for reality, they see themselves as its master, so they instinctively subvert it. Their “magic” is the magic of deception, subversion, lying – of building monuments to illusion.
Media seems to be this era’s jewish golem. The jews are doing things with technology no one can predict the effects of. They’ve felt that media makes them invincible since Edward Bernays. That created a dialectic as you say, and the first foreshadowing of the Aryan response to that dialectic was National Socialism. There is nothing we can really offer today except updates of those original critiques to be found in NS propaganda and writing. All that was predicted is coming to pass.
The enemy hasn’t evolved in the dialectic, they’ve just tried to scale their power. We’re in a race to see if we can adapt to the enemy’s power before we suffer a permanent death wound (as a race). The fall of the Third Reich was the sine wave of history warning us of the amplitude. It was showing us that the stakes of this game are extinction. The jews couldn’t extinguish all Aryans at that point, they couldn’t do it all in one go. They had to do it piecemeal, relying on other races as their armies.
What Machiavelli said about mercenary armies is still and will always be the Jew’s greatest weakness. It is because this is a natural law.
Dr. Livci:
I try to avoid all religious talk these days but according to the theology I subscribe to, the impulse and movement within evil is to undue creation. God created all things from absolutely nothing, and evil seeks to return to that state. It’s a rebellion against life itself. Jews are the embodiment of that, they naturally tend towards destruction, to ugliness, to parody of beauty and all that’s good because de-sacralization is a necessary precondition to destruction.
The enlightenment gave way to classical liberalism, classical liberalism gave way to neo-liberalism, now we see the dialectic potentially working against neo-liberalism. The system does deserve to be destroyed does it not? That much we all agree on, but the Jews always carry the errors of the previous system they championed into the next. Classical liberalisms errors were carried over into neo-liberalism, and neo-liberalism’s errors will not be corrected by the same people who brought us classical liberalism regardless of whether or not the old guard retains power or not. The dialectic doesn’t actually ever get resolved, it just gets worse as the errors accumulate until it utterly collapses. The reason for that is supernatural, the spirit animating Jewry is not of this world, it’s the spirit of demons wanting to return to the abyss.
This is why everything they have ever made is ugly, profane, and disturbing. They are manic and neurotic because they know they are guilty. They know they can never create a world where they are safe because they are the antithesis of life itself. They don’t simply tend towards disorder, disorder implies order somewhere, they want to end everything. Or rather the demonic forces pulling their strings want that, to undue creation itself.