A Biological Inventory
Newsletter 23: 16 July 1936
A German ‘Biological Inventory’
The German authorities for public hygiene are preparing, with the assistance of the National Socialist Party, a census which has as its aim, the classification of ‘negative selection,’ that is to say, of persons who should be sterilized. This is the first stage in a ‘biological inventory’ which will be completed later. It will be followed by ‘the establishment of reproductive mapping to put into place significant measures to favor those persons who are selected,’ as Dr. Schutt expresses it in Service of Public Hygiene.
The ideology which inspires this ‘selection’ process is expressed most authentically in the editorial of the Volkisch Beobachter of 11 July, which emanates from the pen of the representative of the German doctors to the Füher, Reichsamtsleiter Dr. Fritz Bartels. Here we read: ‘the reasonable man sees throughout nature, without any need of science or dogma, that in the woods and fields, the weak perish and the strong and healthy live. According to this law of nature, man seeks to increase his livestock, however small, by means of selection—whether it is a matter of goats, of rabbits or chickens. He cannot understand why it should be any different with mankind, the crown of creation, and why in this case it should be the reverse which leads to success, and to a strong, free, proud and happy man.’
From Faith and Action
by Helmut Stellrecht
You carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in which their bodies have long decayed.
§ Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature.
§ To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will and courage.
§ You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass your blood on to your children, for you are a member of the chain of generations that reaches from the past into eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent must do its part so that the chain is never broken.
§ But if your blood has traits that will make your children unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the heroic duty to be the last.
§ The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it God’s will lives.