Pagan German Youth Control The Territory
Newsletter 18: 11 June 1936
Destruction akin the ‘the Atrocities in Spain and Mexico’
The increase in the number of acts of desecration which has been observed recently in South Germany, has led Mgr. Grober, the Archbishop of Freiburg-im-Breisgau, to express his pain and indignation in an open letter addressed to the parishes affected by these sacrilegious acts. On the night before Hitler’s birthday, a large stone cross was completely destroyed in the district of Wessingen. On the night of 8-9 May, two wooden crosses were broken in the parish of Kangendingen. In the district of Stein, a Calvary scene was demolished on the night of 15-16 May. The parish of Steinhofen complains of the demolition of two crosses in the fields. The diocese of Rottenburg has had three cases of desecration in recent weeks.
Mgr. Grober writes: ‘Do they wish to offend us in our holiest views, in a manner which is illegal and hostile to any culture, as is unfortunately so often the case today in our homeland? Or are they seeking to incite us, through legitimate anger, to take measures of self-defense and to make us use ill-considered words which will then be exploited against us? I beg you, my dear faithful, in spite of your indignation, to maintain a calm exterior and to have confidence in the state authorities whose duty it is to investigate and punish those guilty of acts of desecration. I have a firm hope that the state and party authorities, when informed of these important events, will take appropriate measure to prevent such incidents.
Otherwise, will not also events here gradually take the form of the atrocities of Spain and Mexico? It is intended that we Catholics will become, in our faith and the form in which it is expressed, outside the protection of the law in the eyes of a significant number of Germans? Is it the case that for these people the relevant articles of legislation and of the Concordat no longer exist? Has the cross, the symbol of our redemption and our hope, because of the permanent campaigning of some and the hatred of the neopagans, become a particularly prized object of desecration so that cars are used in the middle of the night for demolition raids on crosses and statues of saints in the countryside?
Newsletter 30: 3 September 1936
No End in Sight of the Kulturkampf
Neo-pagan Propaganda Posted on the Doors of Churches
In Bavaria, the followers of the neo-pagan movements have been brazen enough to post their tracts on the doors of Christian churches. Thus, the ‘Propaganda Centre for the German Faith Movement’ has posted a tract which contains all the necessary information on how to become a member of the Movement. It is particularly emphasized that individual who are prevented from leaving their Church can be admitted as ‘protected members’ if they are in agreement with the principles if the Movement.
These principles are outlined in a second document, in the form of seven questions and answers. For example, the question is asked ‘what is the German faith?’ to which the answer is given: ‘we seek a religion which is not behind the times because it is fixed in unchanging dogma even when those dogmas arose in a particular moment in the past; but a religion which reflects a knowledge of the times and our present life.’ ‘Who is God?’ is another question, to which the reply is given: ‘we see God in all the perceptible and imperceptible phenomena of this world, in all the resurrections of our people and the world, in all the emotions of our soul, our spirit and our heart.’
Christianity in Germany is presented as a cause of ‘considerable damage to the Führer, the people and the state’. The position of the German Faith Movement towards Christianity is described in these terms: ‘having become One Reich and One People, we wish to become united in our faith. We reject Christianity in its Judeo-Oriental formulae and dogmas, in its faith in the Bible, in its historical impact and in its political intentions. We want, in the interest of our people, to live out our German Faith and to speak to those to whom Christianity no longer has anything to say. But we respect the faith of others so long as it is not directed, in any way, against the people or state.’ The German Faith Movement declares war against the confessional school and seeks instead ‘the school of the German Community’, that is, an education for the German youth outside and influence of Christianity.
How many European Holy Sites did Christians build their churches on purposely? With no care about what the populace thought?
Are you sure this isn’t Muslims that Germans invited in doing the desecrations? I’ve never heard of or seen violent neo-pagans looking to destroy all signs of Christianity. Christianity is soo weak now they cannot call out muslims or jews for their actions, so they make up stories about neo-pagans.