Democracy Must Die
Meme image-text concept by Fritz Maes — readers welcome to copy & spread!
(The passage below that I have selected from Ludwig Klages is important to keep in mind during the din of election season.–Blake)
“Among the pagans, only the Romans were able to develop the grand style in politics, and Rome perished because Roman politics, like the politics of our own age, finally succumbed to the contagion of Judah. And Judah’s politics is now the politics of the whole world.”
Stripped of rhetoric the democratic assumption is that quantity supersedes quality, we are diametrically opposed to such a notion. Instead we recognise the naturally autocratic leadership principle: That the quality of all leadership is utterly dependent on the human quality of the men themselves, their general competence at decision making, personal character & worldview are paramount. Men of courage, Honour, decisiveness, intelligence, perception & vision must lead or disaster will follow.
Democracy conspicuously does not select for these essential characteristics.
The role of leadership is to elevate, galvanise & direct a people. If a people are deprived of this strong leadership they fall back on their basic inner drives, becoming a shallow, petulant, materialistic & easily manipulated mob. Democracy is the process of creating that mob by selecting the most flexible careerist salesmen with the most facility to their backers as a figurehead in place of true leadership. Pandering to the mobs lowest impulses while directing it with media, money & indoctrination. Neutering dissent with slogans & empty ritualistic mechanisms. Validating itself with the pretension that only it can give people a voice & hold government accountable then branding any action outside of its control a crime. Instinctively, the mob senses this but are so seduced by the promise of power that democracy itself is never questioned. Impotent & leaderless the most a mob can manage is not bothering to vote. Democracy has proven itself a disaster.