The Tragedy Of The Aryan Race
All history proves it. Over and over again, for the past 4,000 years, our people, White people, commonly blue-eyed, golden-haired blonds, have invaded one country after another to create cultures and civilizations—in India, Persia, Greece, Rome, and elsewhere. The Spanish took possession of Mexico and Peru, and the Spanish and Portuguese together occupied all South America. But everywhere, for one reason or another, in the course of centuries, living side by side with those whom they had conquered or enslaved, or with other later aliens who overcame them, they settled down at last to accept marriage with them—and then, as a people, disappeared.
In India, the original Aryan conquerors created one of the great civilizations of the world, unique for its religion, philosophy, literature, and social organization. Out of a stern and determined will to prevent the mixing of their blood with that of the black, flat-nosed people whom they had subdued, they went so far as to impose the death penalty for sexual relations that crossed the color line. But today the casual observer of the population of India, from one end of the land to the other, would need to be told that the creator of Hindu civilization was White. And Spengler rated the people of modern India, along with those of modern Egypt, as fellaheen. Both were at one time among the glories of the world, but by now they have been so often beaten, broken, kneaded and worked over by alien conquerors, that he believed their future hopeless. A recovery and a renaissance have become impossible.
Much the same thing happened to the Persians. They gave birth to one of the greatest religions known to mankind, and there was a day when their kings could proudly call themselves the rulers of the world. But then came the Mohammedan conquest, and then the Mongols broke over them, and though a stiff-necked lot of them fled to India and Bombay and there have sustained a segregated and distinguished community as Parsees, those who stayed behind gradually settled down to mix with their conquerors, and their descendants today constitute a third-rate power. The stuff they are made of is a long way removed from that of their ancestors who had ruled from Egypt and Thrace to northwest India. Theoriginal blue-eyed, golden-haired White man is gone, his genes dissipated and drowned in a sea of color.
And the Greeks? They too, like the Aryans of India and the Iranians of Persia, of ancient Iran, conceived of their gods in their own image, as blue-eyed and blond. And there were years, a few centuries, during which a single one of their cities, Athens, with a population of only some 40,000 free men, created a culture and civilization which, for original thought and power of artistic expression, in art, architecture and literature, has never been surpassed anywhere. Its handful of citizens produced some twenty-five of the greatest figures of all time. But the day dawned when they were become democratic, and cosmopolitan, and liberal, when commercial men from outside set up in Athens, and gradually the stringency that for so long had held all foreigners at arm’s length, calling them “barbarians,” was relaxed, and—again it is a long story—in the end the Whites went down in a sea of color. Today no one would guess, by their appearance, that a modern Greek is descended from the men who once so proudly walked the streets of Athens, Sparta, Thebes and Corinth; and Greece as a whole is remarkable today for its dearth of great men.
When it comes to Rome, it is only to tell the same story over again. Here the story is very long, but though it took something like a thousand years for Rome to run its course, the day came when men of the Empire, from the Euphrates to Britain, could become citizens, the old Roman peasantry was used up and broken and largely supplanted by hordes of imported slaves, the nobility ceased to have enough children to perpetuate their stock, the old standards and restrictions were relaxed, until in Rome itself “the Roman blood must have been diluted almost past recognition.” “In Nero’s time Lucan said that Rome was not peopled by its own citizens but filled with the scourings of the world.” “It is almost impossible for us to realize the extraordinarily motley character of the Roman mob.” And Rome “set an example for the provinces also.” And though it cannot quite be said in this case that the White man disappeared, it is certain that the modern Italian is a long way from being the equal of the old Roman of the days of the Republic.
And in Mexico and South America, a few Spaniards or Portuguese, without their women, went in as conquerors, and almost from the start mated with the natives or the Negro slaves they soon imported. Again, though the original White man’s face may still show through, the population of these countries, in general, is a mishmash, ineffective, decidedly lacking in what is needed to produce anything of lasting or world-wide significance.
This—what Walther Rathenau, a Jew, pronounced “the tragedy of the Aryan race”—is what has been happening over and over again for thousands of years. “A blond and marvelous people arises in the north. In overflowing fertility it sends wave upon wave into the southern world. Each migration becomes a conquest, each conquest a source of character and civilization.” And then—in one way or another—a horde of alien peoples close in on it, and it is swallowed up in a swamp of mud.
-William Gayley Simpson, excerpted from Which Way Western Man
Jews have been with us for most of that time. They have been colonizing us for all of recorded history and ruling over us as a parasitic elite. The reason why this cycle of invasion and decline keeps happening is because Jews keep sending us to foreign lands to collect riches for them as well as to drain our blood until we’re depleted and unable to defend ourselves. This same story is playing out now with America’s wars in the Middle East. We are not a uniquely warlike race. It is Jews who send us to war. Always has been, always will be.
Get help.
Curious as to why he needs to ‘get help.’ Can you refute anything asserted in his statement?
We are a warlike race. That is a fact. That jews have found a way to exploit this trait is besides the point.
It seems that the solution to this is not imperialism but isolationism. The Chinese have maintained their empire for 5,000 years and they were smart enough not to send their people off to colonize faraway lands and intermix with natives. The Chinese model is one to emulate: not perpetual expansion, but maintenance of our land and people.
Went to volkswagen.com…somehow got here!
No. Aryan were a uniquely passive and tolerant people. Teachers. Creators. Not conquerers.