They Have Discovered They Are A People And They Are Waking Up
Post by Wayland Smith
I think what made people so loyal to him was a combination of two things: the entire political system is violently against anyone assertive and nationalist, and Trump insisted on being both (in 2016). People saw that and it awakened something in their limbic system they couldn’t let go of. They were so desperate for that psychologically, that they kept projecting their own fantasy of Trump onto him, praying that he wouldn’t betray them, that he’d magically (by the grace of god and their prayers) become what they needed him to be.
Hence, you get shit like the QAnon cult. It served that purpose of keeping their dreams and projections alive. People need that kind of relationship with a leader. Whether Trump the man was a lie or not doesn’t matter as much as people had the experience of a nationalist leader, and are reacting to his betrayal in a positive way – they say “fuck Trump then”.
It means they’ve learned the idea is meaningful, even if the man is a cuck.

Deep down, it turned out that Trump was a naive child, dependent mostly on advice from employees, his only talent a knack for flirting with crowds and hiring people with subversive fringe ideas. He’s a patriot, but he’s not a revolutionary – his original platform was revolutionary, and required him to be, because things are so far gone from what was “normal” in Trump’s mind (maybe back in the 90s), such that to even suggest you might bring it back is an existential threat to the current system.
Trump needed to be radicalized by his experience in government, but he was incapable of that. His fall will radicalize all his younger supporters, who bought into the nationalist logic of his presidency, who experienced loyally defending the leader who fights for you like he has nothing to lose besides his people. That’s what Americans forgot in the last 100 years, what it was like to have a sense of “people”. It was indoctrinated out of them.
Now they have a taste of it, the smallest taste of it, and it led them to storm their own capitol for the first time in their history. It led them to march at guns un-armed, get shot, and refuse to leave. That’s the most profound thing, from a psychological standpoint, we could have hoped for. We don’t even need to tell them about NS right now to teach them our values – we just need to give them a taste of that kind of fight, to show them what it feels like to be a people – and they will have learned a core value of NS.
“We don’t even need to tell them about NS right now to teach them our values…”
Bullshit! One key lesson that ostensibly racialist Aryans who got sucked in by Qcuck (aka most of my former comrades) theories & who became battered men suffering from Stockholm Syndrome must learn is that compromising N.S. ideas for sake of “pragmatism” is paradoxically not pragmatic.
Cesar Tort often quotes, “tell me who/what you worship, & i shall tell you who/what you become.” Lots of supposed racialists insisted that they/we must grant continued unconditional support for Zio Don and blend in with good “optics”…it was in the short term a disaster. Had the “Alt-Right” been led by people who were willing to do any-thing to take down the system & divorce it (if only in a small region) at latest by the first Syrian strike hoax (on behalf of Israel/Jewry) in April 2017 instead of “trusting muh plan,” it could have been done, if they/we had but decided to do so.
That said, yes, it can be argued that the Qcuck psyop (or hoax) in the big picture will have had a cleansing & purifying effect insofar as having exposed true committed racialists from the racist CONservative republicucks…and there’s probably truth to it BUT would it still not have been better if the Q hoax or something causing similar outcomes had never emerged in the first place?
The “purifying” argument reminds me of the circular argument of “survival of the fittest”; as the argument goes, anything that dies was/is worthy of death and anything that survives is “the fittest” – well, because it survived! (Tell that to the poor bastard who gets struck by lightning on a clear day, or a man who happens to be walking along when an undetected faulty natural gas line explodes, or when a sinkhole suddenly swallows a few blocks of a neighborhood, without any warning until it was too late…were such victims truly “unfit” when it’s truly just bad luck? Also, not saying the basic premise is entirely faulty always, you can argue males duking it out in a fight is a legit example of “S.O.T.F.”).
The tragedy of Zio Don insofar as how it relates to the American (& indeed global) racialist “movement” was a lot of people at least framed themselves as true believers in Trump and compromised their values/goals with all sort of watered down bullshit, and sure enough, a lot of men who initially had presented themselves as revolutionaries gradually became no different than CONservative republicucks. This site documented it (daily grifter run by (((Weevenstein))), won’t name others).
A lot of old schoolers at the platform named above were serious about racialism/N.S, they were very talented & wise learned men (especially for us Amerikwans); and they left (same as did I) when AA doubled down in his relentless shill cucking for Zio Don the Art Man Grifter of the Con…but many did not, & many newcomer libertardians replaced sincere racialists. And they spewed massive venom at sincere racialists, as you know. Massive demoralization, and squandered opportunity. It’s one thing to get backstabbed by an avowed enemy, but to be subverted/undermined by your ostensible comrades is a very damaging experience.
Yeah yeah, it forces us to be smarter, tougher, and so on, but wouldn’t it have been better if it had been a minor & typical split rather than a fanatical zealot like smear campaign? I think it was more intense than was the Strasser split in the Weimar republic.
Guess I am trying to say that there are important lessons to learn. Imo, prominent (racialist) individuals with large followings are not learning such lessons (though some are apparently trying). For example, in addition to wanting to bring in the people who were pre 2017 ostensibly brothers in arms but who “trusted muh plan” & thereafter smeared Trump critical racialists as “wignat traitors with cringe optics” back into the fold, some leaders who were Trump rejecting are if anything even more explicitly pacifistic than they were before. They not only do not endorse certain non-kosher mentalities/tactics, which is understandable (but still wrong, & gay, imo), but they actively & passionately go out of their ways to repeatedly countersignal such non-kosher mentalities & tactics.
When a Roof falls down upon nigger churchgoers, they go out of their way breaking silence to make statements wanting the Roof to be punished to the max (instead of just keeping their damn mouths shut, which again, is understandable, the enemy is known to incite & entrap poor bastards..).
These leaders want to forever be a revolutionary “movement” that always only suffers devastating blows by our enemies but never delivers them. And when a rare outlier breaks script, they go out of their ways to disavow/distance from/etc their own comrade/s who gave up their lives – and automatically de facto without any evidence insist he/they were at best “retard/s who harmed the movement” (by ostensibly provoking an intensified crackdown & more bad press) or at worst as “mossad agent/s.” Yet, in other contexts, the same ppl who believe in this approach lament how Aryans are so meek & act like such sheeple instead of joining the movement.
Who wants to join a “movement” with characteristics outlined above? Furthermore, who after being Red-Pilled, wants to sacrifice his “freedoms” & life only to be denounced/humiliated not just by our enemies, but also by their own damn comrades, for showing much more courage than most of us? To receive salt in the wounds sitting in prison to see news clips of he/they being denounced as “mossad agent/s”? Not many an Aryan man nowadays can look past all that after already having struggled to break free of the cradle to grave brainwashing and the increased atomization/isolation most of us experience post Red Pill. Weak, sure, but it’s just human nature.
And to top it off, the leaders who passionately promote pacifism use the crackdown provoked by the rare outlier (heroes, till proven otherwise) as a circular argument justification to further reinforce their perverted inverted transvaluation of “courage.” (Just like those cucks Hitler wrote about havng encountered while wounded in the war hospital who framed their desire to want to surrender Germany to the Entente powers as “true courage”). Never does it seem to cross the pacifist racialist leaders’ minds that perhaps it is because they so passionately endorse pacifism & condemn anyone who breaks script that so few incidents take place in the first place! That their pacifism memes paradoxically cause a self-fulfilling prophecy wherein normies they so deeply desire to recruit are instead repulsed. After all, is the true nature of power (at least when Jews & christ cucks are involved) not based upon fear? Do people not follow whomever they fear the most (generally speaking, most the time)?
Nelson Mandela & Goebbels had one thing in common, “anything that helps us destroy the enemy = GOOD, anything that doesn’t = EVIL…dgaf if you call us ‘terrorists’ or smear & persecute us…”
I’ll start wrapping it up.
I don’t consider myself blackpilled, but it is agonizing to see so many people check out from reality and blindly, & devoid of any semblance of self-awareness, repeat the same exact mistakes over & over again. It’s been going on since before i was even born. I believe one thing that anyone can do without seriously risking being taken down by the feds is change the subculture,values, & taboos among racialists.
And a good place to start is to destroy the “well guess we gotta play by the rules by which the Jewish ghoul murderers insist we must abide even though they are the most ruthless & merciless tribe in all of known history…i’ll praise myself for explicitly tying my hands behind my back in this fight hoping it will stave off a crackdown/lawfare & attach a chained collar around my neck to a boulder & if you don’t blindly embrace this mentality then you are obviously at best a retard & probly a fed..non-kosher methods are counterproductive always so let’s keep it kosher bro’s!…”
One Roof once every 5 years is probably more damage to “the cause” than good & the feds probably do desire it on that scale, but what about a Roof every hour of every day? Do the feds really want that? Fuck no! There aren’t even close to enough of the indoctrinated enforcers to handle that, and the media wouldn’t be able to spin it effectively. Guaranteed that “normies” & racialists alike would feel immensely less shitty if – bare minimum – racialist leaders & followers were to never denounce comrades in the name of pacifism unless there is solid evidence demonstrating whomever is disloyal rather than perhaps foolish. Aryans must become ole school clannish.
And simultaneously, on flip side, definitely be vigilant and make ppl earn your trust, especially so long as the sub-culture among racialists embraces pacifism. Tune into & trust your guts, pay attention for red flags, & don’t ignore that shit (including with me, with anyone). Don’t wait for the snake to bite you if that’s genuinely what you suspect.
I agree with all of your statements about the movement and the history of the AltRight grifters. Everything you said is true. It is an effective strategy, however, to teach people our values without being explicit NS or pro Hitler or tell the truth about WW2 atrocity propaganda in the immediate. All you need to do is get our people to act in our collective racial interest. All those things should be talked about and explained to people at some point. The propagandist converting people to our side, especially if you’re doing it in person often must employ these strategies at first. We here at Volkish and others like us use this strategy to great effect. We are also not grifters. We are dedicated to the cause. We will not abandon Volkish or NS ideals and truth for any reason and definitely not for cheap fame or a quick buck like the AltRight grifters did.
The difference here lies in bringing the system brain washed person closer to us rather than we going closer to the system propaganda.
PsychelonB, I got to thank you for this was most inspiring. It kind of confirms the importance of radicalism in my actions/directions, it was forming itself. Of course I won’t do anything stupid, Roof-style; but what is certain though, is that I have to direct my energy/anger into productivity. I am now alienated from the sheep, merely interacting with them can trigger me: I have yet to find my kin. I have hostile and near-violent behaviors sometimes towards the dumber of them, I need to finish venting what they left from a childhood stuck with them, during which, by the way, I fell in the wrong pen – my mother mated with some f-tard predator. This obviously makes me see the parallel with the ”badluck” element you’ve added to the S. O. T. F. thing – I can relate to that, that’s the least you can say. I won’t even go see my family during the holidays, they’re too much of a pointless uneducated pain in the neck for me to waste my time tolerating around me.
Need to get to a community in my area, beyond the keyboard.
Would you have (reading) references for a guy in my situation?
Thanks again,
We need this devotion and I can relate to it too