To My Children’s Mother
Translated by Karl Jægerlund
Dear Synnøve!
I have just returned from the ceremony on the occasion of the ‘‘Heldengedenktag’’ (the day of remembrance for the fallen). It was a ceremony that reached sky high beyond what I remember of similar arrangements on the part of the church at home. Here there was no sentimental lamentation and whining about a sinful and godforsaken world; but a viable and life-giving nation’s confession to the positive forces of the human soul. It was a solemnity in the true sense of the word. The setting for it all was also the best imaginable. The snow is still here and yesterday and last night it snowed, so everything was shiny white. From the morning the sky was slightly cloudy; but as we marched up to the front of the monument for the fallen, the sun broke through. It was as if higher powers wanted to show their presence and participation in this our confession to our faith. For it is part of our faith that we give our reverence to those who sacrificed everything so that the chain of life, the chain of which they were also a part, should not be broken; but carry it on, which for them too had been the highest in life.
During this, thoughts involuntarily slipped into my part of the life chain–at the joints that were and at those that will lead on. They had started to get quite thin, the joints in my family’s chain–too thin. If all goes well, then we will be able to correct this a little the two of us. We will not only make sure that the joints are there; we want to do our best to make them healthy and strong–not just physically, no, they should be conscious parts of the family’s further life.
In order for them to be able to fulfill this task, it is necessary that we as parents “put them on the right track” from the beginning. We must strive to give them a clear view from the earliest years, so that their ability to orientate themselves is not confused by all the delusions of our tribe’s enemies which in our childhood they had such free rein to lead us into and for which it cost vigor to fight out of again, forces that could have been used for creative work.
I know you find it difficult to come to terms with a lot of what is not alone the deepest content of life for me; but which belongs to the basic elements, the basic facts of the origin, assertion and ability of our race to endure ”against all” through the millennia. I am referring here to our faith as people of Germanic origin and root. Precisely it is here that we as parents must help our children and ‘‘point in the right direction’’. But we do not do that by burdening them with all that our race’s most dangerous enemies have for generations lurked in on us in such a refined way, that it has partly gone into our blood. For that is, the same as the bastardization of the physical by itself, as a completely logical consequence of that of the spiritual. In this way, it has been possible for daughters of our best blood to sink so low that they mated with foreign races and bastards.
Imagine if something like this were to happen to your daughter because in “good faith”, from her youngest year, you instilled in her a view of life that is so capable of paralyzing her otherwise healthy and infallible instinct that she could get to mix blood with one of alien race! Think of it the next time you want to bring a child to baptism in the church and in that way already from its first step bring it in under the influence of the most dangerous weapon of our race’s mortal enemy the Jew created against our race, to break the individual of us down from within, paralyzing the will to resist in us to defend ourselves against his mind, against the spirit of his race, the spirit that means death to the spirit of our race! Death to our souls as Germanic people! Think much about these facts.

You may want to say: What do you have to put in place of the faith that our ancestors have lived on for so many generations? Then I have to answer in Trøndelag with a question: What are the fruits of the life they have “lived on” with this faith? Take as an example what you witnessed as a child in terms of gender morality in your home village and which you hated based on your instinct as a Nordic person. I can only tell you that such a thing would have been an impossibility if these people had been brought up under the power of example in our simple, uncomplicated faith as Germanic people!
We Germanics are not godless–on the contrary, our concept of God is infinitely finer, deeper than the machinations of the Jews. It was our race that brought culture, true culture, to other peoples throughout the various stages of development. In the same way that we let go of our Germanic faith, we also took away our influence on the development of, until we reached what we are in the middle of today, the decision on whether it is the spirit of the Jews–the “God” of the Jews–or our Germanic spirit, the God of the Germanics, who will guide development further henceforth. It is this that you must also take a stand on that which is the blood of your own blood, our children. Should they become opponents of their own blood or not? Can you take on the responsibility of sowing such a custom of discord in a receptive child’s mind, as laying the groundwork in it for all the soul conflicts and anguish that it entails for a man with a Germanic soul to believe in the ‘‘God’’ of the Jews?
I fully understand your fear of letting go of “the old faith”; but if you will dare to trust me as much there as you dared when you chose to mix your blood with mine, then you will come to feel just as confident in the faith, which is the only true and right one for every Germanic person, because we have all been given a spark by that Deity who once created us as Germanics and not as Jews or any other race.
Our concept of God is on a completely different level than e.g. of the Jews. Our God is no huckster-nature, promising so and so many benefits for so and so many or good benefits; but a God who sets us up under the pulsating, ever-changing laws of life, where we have our free choice and have progress or adversity in the same degree, to which we follow or act contrary to these laws. Our concept of God is not so low that we need to personify it. There it is already outside of us, with the personification.
Our God is living Power in everything and everyone, invisible in itself; but we always see his “footsteps”, as if we come just ever so late, that we do not arrive in time to see him. It is reasonable that at first you can give birth to it in such a way that our concept of God is too “vague”, too uncertain, too little to “touch and feel”; but is it not the same thing we always face, when we encounter something we do not know sufficiently or not at all?
In connection with what I have been able to get into here in a single letter, there are many details we need to talk more about; but it will have to be for another time.
-Best regards,
Your Harald
-excerpted from SS-Heftet, nr. 2, 1944. p. 27-29 by Harald Falck, a Norwegian SS-Sturmmann