The Big Leaf Bonfire
A thread by Shantyman
This thread ‘ll have a little psychology, history, cultural analysis of the wussy off-brand version of America that lies to its north. Even Leafs underrate their own country and how things will play out here, they feel it will be a sideshow compared to everything else. They wrong.
Colonial nations have two faces, the one that’s the actual history and soul of the experience of the frontier, and the other is the preening bourgie moralist ‘civilzationer’ that sprouted up in its wake and thinks the frontier existed for HIS benefit and peace of mind. Canada has a case of the latter BADLY and has for a while. Stiff upper lip manners of British Empire era gave way to MSNBC brain, contrarian cultural attitude towards USA has been easily manipulated for decades by the draft dodging commusexuals that fled here in the 60s. On the surface you basically have a culture and a society that California and Pacific Northwest Soys would develop if they had total cultural hegemony and control of all the institutions of the state. Watching TV here makes you want to vomit and never stop
But I’m not retarded and not a pussy, how can this be? Why am I immune to soy and didn’t buy it from a young age despite loving what I am and where I come from? I pondered this for many years and see much clearly than I did before. Allow me to explain.
This country is a frontier but just pretends it isn’t, look at all those maps of pop density, nobody 100 miles north of the border. Nobody goes up there, nobody thinks about it, ‘Canada’ is conveniently confined to like a long ass strip of cities and highways along the border.
Thankfully there’s people who see beyond that. Now I’ll talk about another phenomenon that Canada does better than your country. It is the best in the world at producing crazy fucking outlaw bikers and empowering them in a way more settled countries can’t. Ever hear of the Quebec biker war from 1994-2002? Didn’t think so. The Hell’s Angels and Rock Machine went to war over drug trade control in Quebec and killed 160 people. It was the most dangerous place on the continent to be one, and also where the most money was made.

That strip of cities and highways? What a great idea! A giant ass road going from the east coast to the west coast of the USA with no ATF, DEA and FBI on it. Oh and the border with America? I had boomers brag my whole life about ‘its da longest undefended border in the world’ ($$$).
The Mexican border is a fucking bloodbath but no one notices the mountains of guns and drugs that go back and forth over the Canadian one because there’s so much space. Now that America’s going down the drain? Oh this secret will become public knowledge and alotta fun. When the Yanks had prohibition, we made a fortune smuggling booze to them. In the 70s, that giant heroin epidemic that hit NY and NJ was imported into the United States from Europe via Montreal and it’s connections to the Francophone world.
This will materialize immediately as soon as things get bad and it is already starting to do so. Ports are getting dirty, fishing harbors are getting dirty, and little border towns are getting dirty. Everyday it’s like I can feel their ho-hum passivity dissipating.
Now let’s talk about the peoples inside Canada and how they might be a little different from Yanks. We didn’t have the same type of immigration and didn’t draw from different classes/cultures within the same countries that America did.
A huge portion of Canada’s white population comes from Rightist traditions that were extinguished elsewhere and just sort of moved here. American Loyalists, Scottish Jacobites, Anti-Communist Ukrainians, French Catholics, ex-SS Germans (Canada didn’t have a blacklist after the war.)
I think this is to blame for the passivity of Leafs, they feel a sort of exhausted defeat in their bones that they can’t remember or verbalize and the rest of society here is designed to be a soothing, daycare like pacifier to them. This pacifier is coming to its end though and I look forward to the day when the old blood within my people begins to stir and make its presence felt after generations of dormancy.
The state here is decrepit and entirely dependent on psychological conditioning in order to maintain physical power. There is no ‘boot’ here, the military has fallen apart and the cops are castrated paper pushers. They’ve set themselves up beautifully for me. They have no physical strength to exert power, their entire social myth is centered around ‘these things don’t happen here’ and the only ally that could save them will be struggling for its own life as well.
When America hits it’s collapse the Canadian government will probably be able to maintain order in like three or four major cities and that’s it. Everything else will be a free for all and a do what you want. The bikers are already making their comeback and they’re the first, once they open that door there’s a dozen other groups of ‘fellow travellers’ that are waiting in peoples subconscious to emerge. This country’s a giant pussy waiting to get fucked and the boys are so very horny.
I’m living in Hyperborea and I’m gonna start acting like it. Come at me CBC. Try to stop me from lighting a fire in people’s brains with some story about how wearing the hijab saves the environment or something and make grandma happy. Your world’s done, mine’s beginning.