Let Them Call Us What They Want

“In this blue realm of thought, Friedrich Wilhelm Kalb visualizes the struggle against the Giants, the knocking down of anarchy and the underworld, the victory of the strong and the light.“
ᛋatan’s ᛋons.
Satan’s sons they call us, the vermin who makes rumors, lies and steals from the poor workers with his capitalist black market. –The wobbling-popes who in 1939 cried over the attacked Finns and sent a backpack with bandages instead of fighting there themselves, and today try to reach for and stab the same Finns who are fighting for their lives in the back, they look at us as the Devil’s trueborn sons. And trying to blacken us in every possible way, scares the children and youth with us to keep them away from our ranks.
Should we feel insulted and offended, sue to have the nickname annulled? Go to action, arrest careless women and taught kids who scold and slam us? Far from it.
Would we SS men feel honored to be called lame, emissaries or sweet boys by the underground forces and the deceived mass?
It is an enemy that is so low-browed that they want us taken over by the Mongol hordes from the east, to see Norway as a Czech-controlled Soviet province.
‘‘To serve the truth is the hardest of all services’’, Nietzsche said, and it is confirmed by all history. Great men, the leading class, saints and truth-seekers have always been mocked, degraded, stoned, crucified, burned at the stake, exiled to St. Helena, branded as mad by the masses who wanted everything brought down to their level. And those who have led the masses in this have always been the bastard people and their secret helpers, the Jews and the fake Jews.
They exterminated the Nordic nobility in Persia, they exterminated the nobility and the Nordic Huguenots in France, they liquidated the leading forces in Russia, they crucified Christ, they set off the religious wars and the Inquisition, they caused the world war and assassinate and poison great men who stand in the way of their intrigues and goals.
When Adolf Hitler called all Nordic people to fight against the Jewish spirit and the underworld, they whipped the masses into hatred and murder, and triggered this war by interfering in German affairs with Danzig.
The SS was Adolf Hitler’s bodyguard in the battle for power, the strongest among the fighting-happy crowds. Today, the SS has built up an army of volunteer political soldiers from all over Europe, and the Reichsführer SS is the Minister of the Interior in Germany, the tasks are still growing.
In the Waffen-SS, volunteers from all Germanic countries fight together with Germans against the main enemy in the east. And it is significant that the Bolshevik commissars pay a shooting bounty for every fallen SS man.
Should not the enemy be right in that he is most afraid of us in the SS, and that he by all means tries to whip up feelings towards us?
Yes, of course. – Let the enemy call us whatever they want, the worse the better.
It is just proof that we are feared and respected. And he who is not in this wolf age, does not keep sight for the world to come.
We carry the SS rune and all nicknames with pride. We are moving our way towards the future without regard to the voices of the underground. If one of us falls, then ten new ones will be there to continue the fight.
Always on until all underground forces with their gold, their strife and their hatred are knocked out, and our world can be built up in order, justice and cohesion. ofo.
-Author unknown. Passage excerpted from a Norwegian SS journal, p. 39 in SS-Heftet, nr. 2, 1944. Translated by Karl Jægerlund