Accelerationism Means Preparation
post by Karl Radl
To follow the usual entrepreneurial mantra:
‘Success = Preparation and Opportunity’
So in our case success = National Socialism takes power.
What is Opportunity?
Opportunity is when things materially get so bad on a daily basis for the average normie that National Socialism or some other revolutionary system can take power because the current System and its political dialectic is so discredited that it cannot continue to exist.
What is Preparation?
This is what you are doing to prepare for the Opportunity. It can take the form of forming political parties (e.g. the NSDAP or the RSDP) or even armed groups (e.g. Mao’s Red Army or Castro’s M26 movement) etc but more frequently it comes in the form of spreading your message, enforcing ideological orthodoxy and heavy networking among your people and recruiting new members of the network.
What accelerationism is not is trying to trigger the opportunity by accelerating the situation without preparation. This is magical thinking (i.e. RAHOWA magically occurs because I blew up a building/killed someone/there is a mass awakening, etc) and it characterizes a lot of people’s attempts – from The Order to Pierce’s ‘Turner Diaries’ to the OKC Bombing to White Sharia to Atomwaffen – to engage in accelerationism, but because they focus on the opportunity not the preparation they always fail.
Accelerationism holds that the worse it gets the better because it will eventually create one or more significant opportunities so while yes it is objectively a loss as Wayland said it is only that in so far as Manstein letting the Russians push a massive offensive through around Kharkov only to then engage in a counter-offensive when the time was right.
Then the next objection is: well we don’t have any forces. That’s true we don’t and that is because accelerationists usually focus on the opportunity (the easy bit) not the preparation (which is the hard bit). Historically we’ve had good leaders who focused on the preparation but never had the opportunity because times were good and there was optimism in the air. Good examples of this are Ben Klassen’s WCOTC, Pastor Butler’s Aryan Nations and Dr. Pierce’s National Alliance. They failed over time not because they weren’t good ideas but because radical groups rarely outlive their creator or their creator doesn’t have a close enough control over them.
They were prepared but they were around at the wrong time because the opportunity never came. Now we have a time where there is increasingly obvious opportunity but little to no preparation so we’ve swung the other way.
The reason why the NSDAP succeeded was because they spent the years 1923-1928 preparing even though it looked like they were objectively wrong and drastically losing ground with the destruction of German society but they spent that time networking, propagating their ideas and preparing for an opportunity. When that came in 1928 with the Wall Street Crash, the destruction of the German economy and the disintegration of the DNVP (the main ‘radical right’ aka German fascist party) then they were ready to do so.
What accelerationism looks like is not OMG LETS VOTE FOR HILARY but rather let the situation deteriorate, don’t waste your time trying to stop it (unless it would hurt our cause or your family to not do so) but instead spread and normalize our ideas. Network with others and spend your time preparing.
So that when the Opportunity comes (and it will come) we are prepared well enough to gain success and see the advent of the Fourth Reich.
That is why accelerationism is simple, logical but also grossly misinterpreted because people want to do the easy edgelord bit not the hard activist bit.
Oh and Wayland, just as a historical aside. You are aware that Lenin – this isn’t well-known unless you are a Lenin nerd – was deeply depressed between 1915 and 1916 that a revolution would never happen in Russia despite all his blood, sweat and ink stains?
It always looks darkest before the dawn my friend so don’t get discouraged. I’ve been where you are before more than once but reason always pulls me out of it.
The thing that Karl & others miss is social ecology.
White communities are vital as are white families. But without the social ecology of anti white hatred, abuse & disenfranchisement most preparation & development of these things is tepid at best because it has little energy behind it. The energy or zeitgeist for white racial nationalism arises from the social ecology i described & that our enemies are happily creating. By provoking the system & its pets into overreaction we create the social ecology we need. All we need to do is poke the bear & they will do the rest. Only out of the suffering will come the emotional energy & motivation to build white racial consciousness.
This is how we got here:
This is how we move forward.
‘Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change. Therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever possible.’ Brenton Tarrant