The Southern Question

Rather than drifting into lazy Confederate posting, as is the norm in some pro-White spheres, we at Volkish take a more nuanced approached to our Southern cousins and their history. Everything in this statement implicitly addresses the totality of Southern history. Our official stance is as follows:
1) We oppose the CSA for its economic dependence upon the presence of niggers in America. Entrusting jews with finance in a new state is insane. Secession originated in Judeo-Masonic-capitalist zones.
2) We find it deeply amusing that Southerners as a whole disproportionately enlist in the Union Army of [current year], despite complaining about Sherman’s love tap incessantly online.
3) We find North and South equally worthy of criticism. Until now, the South has enjoyed a “hands off” status due to fawning from conservative Yankees, foreigners, and e-trads.
4) We recognize that the Upper South, Deep South, and Tertiary South vary widely. We acknowledge and respect the Cavalier & Backcountry folkways. We prefer the upper South, especially (West) Virginia & Tennessee.
5) We mourn the dysgenic price paid by North and South alike shedding precious blood over the most pointless and avoidable causes. Sherman’s ruthlessness, Lee’s genius, Kimball’s fortitude, and Forrest’s wizardry in the saddle are all admirable.
6) Finally, we acknowledge that America’s best blood, heeded and continues to heed the Frontier’s call. We believe that the Western US contains a revolutionary and vital (Aryan) American spirit that has faded back East.
As a Southerner, I agree with the general spirit of this post. Southerners need to move past their Christianity and realize a National Socialist North American Reich is the best way forward.
But I reserve the right to hate Sherman and banter with Yankees about giving Nigs citizenship.
Jew spawned Christianity has been the scourge of the white race, and there’s no better place to observe it’s deleterious effects than the Murkun south!