Solstice: Turn Of Fate
»Fire burns by fire, until it is burnt out, fire is brought to life by fire seeds - man also passes on the spark. The Volk blaze is never extinguished. FROM THE EDDA.«
For millions and again millions of years, our planet revolves around the sun, the origin of all life on earth.
But it was not until the seeing, searching and acknowledging minds of the Nordic people that the sublime eternal order of the solar system entered the consciousness of mankind.
In the summer and winter solstice, they recognized the relentless law of “dying and becoming,” and they professed to it.
Sunny days were for them feast days, but the solstice was sacred to them.
On the nights of the summer solstice, they lit bonfires on the hills as a sign of their will to live and create against the forces of the night and evil.
The winter solstice with the constant return of light was for them the symbol of an eternal fighting life.
Thus they arranged their existence within the framework of the divine order.
In this faith, they wore the sun sign, the swastika, as their sacred symbol.
It is in this belief and with this sign that the Indo-Germanics enter history about 5000 years ago.
Where they came on their long journeys, chaos gives way to order, the land flourishes and fruit and harvest bless their way.
Whether they, as torchbearers of human order, penetrate into the vast steppe lands of southern Russia, or form states in Asia, whether in their love of light as Aryan Persians sing their most beautiful songs, or as Hellenes light the Olympic flame, whether they from capitol create a world power where their fire burns, fate turns from dark night to bright day.
»And man passes the spark, the Volk blaze is never extinguished.«
Young people receive it, carry on the ancient custom of the solstice bonfire and go on their heroic journey, generation after generation, as bearers of a holy order and the light of culture.
The Germanics enter history.
Cimbers and Teutons, Goths, Vandals and Suebians and many other Germanic peoples ushered in the great Landnam period with its sacrificial walk a new shining age.
In a battle well over a thousand years, the edifying Germanic people are fighting against the disorder and against the forces of destruction in Europe.
From swamps and virgin forests, their farmers created Europe’s arable land. The highest in European culture arose above all from the spiritual power of the creative Germanic people.
But first the heroic struggle of the Germanic people secured, in decisive battles, the society of Europe against the ever-attacking nomadic masses of Near and Central Asia.
Faithful to this rich tradition, today leads the strongest and most concentrated source of power of the Nordic-Germanic family, precisely the Reich, the relentless struggle for the life of Europe. Under Mussolini’s strong leadership, Italy in a tough battle covers the continent’s southern flank; today the powers of darkness have risen against the bearers of humanity’s cultural will.

Hit by blindness, the Anglo-Saxon plutocracy betrays in the dance of the golden calf the glory of its own Germanic blood.
Imbued with the poison of the Jewish Bolshevism, the million-masses of Soviet Russians are fighting a bitter battle for the world revolution, for the uprising of all the inferior.
With the harshness of the law of nature, the power of light is called to settle against the horrors of the eternal night.
Day or night - Life or death –
With flaming bonfires, our ancestors have confessed to the power of light, to life.
And flame it shall and the bonfire of the descendants.
Source: SS Germansk Budstikke, unknown nr. 1941 p. 2-4, Translated by Karl Jægerlund
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