Reinscribing The Hierarchy With Blood And The Final End Of The Left
We have written a lot about the Leftist podcast Chapo Trap House in the past. We also did a show on them as well. I like to keep tabs on Chapo, in particular their pet midwestern goy Mat Christman (the name is perfect). He is the most interesting character of the bunch because as a White man, he can’t help but blurt out the truth every once in a while. It is a fascinating insight into the mind of the contemporary White Leftist.
This recent rant from Christman was a reaction to getting provoked by some kind of Greenwald-type epigone called Shant Mesrobian, who accurately announced the total capitulation of the ‘socialist’ Left and called out the Chapo guys as fakers.

Ouch lol. Now have a listen to Christman’s latest sermon to the flock.
He makes several interesting admissions in this rant.
First is that politics no longer revolves around explicit economic class identities. In particular, the working class has lost its identity as such–one that it used to have earlier in the last century. The real lived political identities in America today are cultural and racial. The mid-century glories days of the working-class are long gone. The leaders of the Labor Left sold out to Capital and lost their appeal to normal people. All that remains of their program is the radical cosmopolitan social values that are the exclusive domain of the college set.
Secondly, he admits that is that it is no longer possible to deny that the this new Left has complete cultural hegemony. And in a politics dominated by cultural issues, this means that they are the Power and that revolutionary potential lies somewhere else. As he says, “Only the people who have given up the dream of a position in the System can be mobilized against it.”
Yet the yearning still remains for this college Left crowd to “fight against the System”. And this is where the anti-white race angle comes in. Because they can’t confront the Capitalist System on purely economic terms—because they benefit from the exploitation in their privileged institutional positions—they will “Unify around anti-white—er, white guilt (23:35)” as an emotional and moral guide stone. The jewish angle in the anti-white targeting is not addressed obviously, but we can leave that there.
But Christman sees the doom in a politics that is polarized between an anti-white liberal elite culture and a nascent reactive pro-white conservative culture. Why? Because as he says, “it will make every White person make a choice, between becoming self-mortifying in some way, by saying ‘I am responsible for the bad conditions of the world. I have sinned’. It is a recognition of sin that is demanded before you can be redeemed. You are demanding ‘convert or fight’ to these people. And my argument would be that there are fewer convertible people now than there used to be.”
He envisions, as other Leftist have, a day when White people are truly presented with a choice. One side is demanding that you apologize and fall down as a sinner, and the other side is offering you—with either a national or racial appeal—a renewed position of security and power as a White person.
The choice is obvious, even in his own materialistic terms. It’s a better deal! There is an actual materiality to the pitch from the culture war Right to normal White people—while the message from the Left is entirely spiritual and moral (and a negative one at that, if you are White).
This means that the ‘Far Right’ will take the baton of actual mass class justice from the Left in in the near future. But what’s wrong with an earnest appeal to the interests of the White working class? Matt doesn’t elaborate but simply reminds us that if you try this “you’re a racist piece of shit and shut the fuck up”.
This dynamic will continue to doom and eventually destroy the Left. Why? Simply because they have maxed out the convertible White people—i.e. the ones who went to college and succumbed to the brainwashing. Those people will always be a minority. What is left is everyone else, and they are rising against this messaging, as seen in last two elections. Interestingly this demographic shift isn’t confined to the White working class alone. Trump increased his margins among working class non-Whites, the alienated, and new voters. All the groups with revolutionary potential are increasingly breaking against the Democrats and the Left broadly.
Naturally, Christman wants to find a third way out of this mess. He wants to have it both ways, and you can see this trigger mind spasms as he talks. He’s stuck. As a college liberal he feels that (non-white) ‘racial justice’ or ‘gender justice’ cannot be separated from ‘class justice’. This is what he was taught, of course. He needs everyone for his imagined broad-based–and ultimately–planetary human solidarity that can finally ‘transcend hierarchy’ and ‘end suffering’.
But he shows us in real time that there is no middle path out of this conflict. He’s on the anti-white side. Half way through the rant he starts referring to normal White people as the ‘settler-colonists’. Big unity there. But at the same time he knows that yelling at the White working class about their privilege at the very moment they are losing it spells disaster; “A white racial reckoning in the context of continued social immiseration is White nationalism.”
This talk, and his entire critique generally, just amounts to a plea to his more radical fellows to stop saying the quiet part out loud so they can keep the poor White vote slaves in the pen. Because if they ever get out, they will, as he says, start “reinscribing the hierarchy in blood”.
What Matt should do is accept his situation and stop jerking himself off with the phantom limb of the ‘labor Left’ and give up the ghost. Just take the money and stop whining. There would be more honor in it. He should admit that he is exactly what he bemoans, just another liberal who has traded “the fantasy of moral transcendence now” against actually fighting the Pig System in an effective and honest manner. But he won’t. He will cleave to the System even as it transforms the country into a “blasted hellscape patrolled by autonomous [transgender] drones”—if at least he can keep calling you racist.