Evolution In Reverse
By intelligent and watchful selective breeding (that is, by carefully and steadily weeding out the culls and by making wise use of the seed from the best), Western man has brought forth countless marvels in the way of improved strains of all his domestic animals, and likewise of every manner of grain, vegetable, fruit and flower. But in regard to himself, to his own kind, he has long followed, and is following now, a course directly opposite to all this. He has been like a gardener who would neglect his tallest, sturdiest, most luxuriant and fruitful specimens to nurse along and try to make something of his diseased, deformed and sterile runts.
Instead of taking humane and practical measures to stop the multiplication of human life so botched and broken that it can never, by any agency known to man, come to have any value or meaning (and thus gradually eliminate such defectiveness altogether), we levy an absolutely enormous tax on all the rest of the nation to feed it, doctor it, nurse it, and try to “educate” what can only slowly catch on to the idea that 2 plus 2 equals 4. In fact, our whole welfare and social security program, intended primarily to raise the standard of living of the masses, tends actually to increase the birth rate of the part of our population that at the best is only mediocre in its endowments, and whose procreation should be kept within limits. On the other hand, the tax to support all this falls so heavily on our most richly endowed stock that it is handicapped and crippled, and instead of having large families—which is what we need from them, even very large families—it commonly settles down to having one child or two, not enough even to perpetuate itself.
In short, our present social setup is steadily producing, and as long as it lasts cannot fail to produce, a literal degeneration of our kind, of the caliber of our national and racial stock. Our good and our best are being outbred by our mediocre and by our worst, and to be outbred means to be replaced, as surely as if they had been conquered by bombs and bayonets and then massacred. They are removed from the Earth. The masses multiply like rabbits, and our best—such best as we still have, though no longer the equal of our best of 50 or 100 years ago—are shoved into oblivion. We are steadily becoming a people of average lower intelligence, feebler character, and reduced stamina. What we are witnessing is retrogressive evolution, an evolution in reverse, backward and downward. But any people long subjected to such a process must sooner or later fall to pieces from internal weakness and decay, or become the victim of a foreign conqueror. This is precisely the fate that has removed one nation after another from the pages of history, simply because it failed to give constant and intelligent heed to the quality and the state of its breeding stock.
–William Gayley Simpson “Which Way Western Man”

This in fact may be a double edged sword. It is obviously not good that our people’s intelligence, health, wealth and fitness is declining rapidly by the year and stupider (white) people are breeding more. On the other side it may be blessing in disguise if the White prole population increases as the proles don’t seem to have as much of the illusions and complete brain washed mind set as the college educated middle class does about race. I’m reminded of an old radio broadcast by William Pierce called The White Middle Class https://www.bitchute.com/video/zbK9HzcIh-k/ . As the former White middle class is driven into poverty and radicalism these can be new recruits for White National Socialist revolutionary leaders and intelligentsia. We don’t need that many new elites just enough to get people motivated to fight. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
“The doom of a nation (race) can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others. ” AH
In the Greek theory of Government change Anakyklosis, democracy or at this point ochlocracy is the last stage before the cycle restarts again as a primitive Monarchy.
There is also another take on this that says basically that populations go through boom and bust cycles. In nature there is no population equilibrium. It basically states this is natures way of dealing with human over population. First the IQ of the population is lowered through dysgenic breeding. Simultaneously the birth rate of the most intelligent declines over generations and then society starts rapidly falling apart. The population numbers collapse rapidly and the result is another dark age. It’s basically natures way of programming a species that is over exploiting resources to collapse. Here’s the article by Volkmar Weiss I paraphased http://www.v-weiss.de/cycle.html.
There’s also a great book that’s written about what happens to Empires or great powers in about 250 years by Sir John Glubb THE FATE OF EMPIRES and SEARCH FOR SURVIVAL. https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-2F_iHS6BLtGJb2ad/TheFateofEmpiresbySirJohnGlubb_djvu.txt
Neither mention a parasite or fungal infection of the nation but Fate of Empires goes through all the stages people of Empires go through. Empires or great powers can be reborn.
Hopefully we can be reborn like the Phoenix.
Hail Victory!
Yes part of this is probably natural. In some ways parasitical infections are also natural.