God’s Word
Every creature has its own language to enter into heaven. See the flowers, they pray with colors and so praise the May sky with delicate scents. And hear the birds, the bees, see the shimmering lizard and how the mosquitoes dance around the evening ray. All of this is beautiful, and what is beautiful is also prayer, so heaven finds it.
Is there not anything: star, man, animal, God’s word? Are sown, grow and perish after the hour, which is part of their nature from the beginning. Thus if we listen to them in their depths, then we hear the eternal word of God, spoken through Nature.
We cannot take anything away from or add anything to God-Nature. Even the erring delusion is necessary and has its time. From within, out of one’s own self, the higher life has to develop.
Everything has its laws and both, to work and to suffer, is the power implanted in us by God, and is Nature itself. God needs everyone with his will, according to his will, for his will.
– Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer
Source: SS-Leitheft 8. Jahrgang – heft 3, 1942 p. 24-25, Translated by Karl Jægerlund