Choosing One’s Spouse
The democratic state saw marriage as a completely private matter that did not concern the Volk and the state. Whether the marriages were happy, no or few children, the management did not care. And the result was reaped thereafter.
We look at marriage in a completely different way. The family are the stem cells of the Volks’s race, if they are not good, then the Volk and the race will not be either, and it must go downwards with the next generation.
A proverb says: “Oneself no one can choose, but one’s wife, and choose her so that one thereby improves oneself through one’s children.”
Choosing the right one for a happy marriage is the most crucial step in an individual’s life – and it is the most crucial for a Volk’s future. Especially in a time like this which places such great demands for strength, health and quality. If we want to live as an individual, continue the family and survive as a Volk, then we must know how to make the right choice.
Not least because against war and natural disasters and during these there is a sharp increase in the reproductive drive – an encroachment on nature or higher powers – to replace everything that is lost. This has been established as a fact, among others by the well-known Swedish doctor and author Axel Munthe.
People of Nordic race have difficulty choosing and are developed later than other races. And superior people have a harder time choosing than the masses who find a suitable one without difficulty. A man of Nordic descent is physically fit for marriage at the age of 18-19, and the girl 16-17 years old, but a spiritual maturation comes only later. In general, we Nordic people are first mentally mature at the age of 23-26 years, women a little earlier. One thing that still speaks for an earlier marriage is that a birth is easier and that there usually will be more children in an early marriage.
What is discouraging is that the best people, those who have the best genetic material to carry on, have a hard time finding a mate and putting children into this world. With the consequence that the masses, the weak and incompetent, increase to an eerie degree at the expense of the better. It will be bad for people, – bad for people of the leading strata. Proletarianization and the strong growth of cities have greatly encouraged this.
Getting married late is not good. Old bachelors and old maidens have become accustomed to their own habits, becoming hermits who cannot stand having others close to them. But very young people find it easy to choose an older spouse, the boy seeks the idealized mother and the girl the idealized father. But the age difference should not be too great should there be a prospect of a happy marriage. The woman should not be older than her husband, and usually no more than ten years younger.
As an example, we set up a table of how the age difference should preferably be, with the addition that there can be many exceptions that can be happy.

But age is a personal thing, it does not come as early to everyone. One can be old at the age of 50, while one at sixty has not yet begun any old age.
Sometimes very young boys marry women who are old enough to be their mother. It is an abnormal tendency due to an excessive maternal complex that is transmitted to the mate. The fact that these boys marry older women prevents these abnormal feelings from being inherited, because such marriages are usually childless.
Getting married beyond one’s stratum and level, either up or down, often leads to difficulties. Because the strata to which one belongs not only denotes a certain economic level, but as a rule it also denotes heredity and ability. One can choose in a lower strata if the spouse’s inheritance and balance is good enough to withstand coming up in a higher strata.
Having a sense for choosing correctly is a good quality, a proof that the instinct of the 6th sense or the third eye is next to the usual use of reason.
There can be many things that come into play and cannot be determined on any form, including whether two are set to the same wavelength or frequency. It is something completely new to talk about wavelengths in connection with humans, but science is working on such measurements. It has been established, among other things, that an expectant mother loses her own wavelength and takes over the fetus’s during pregnancy, and that this is the reason why she has a different temperament than usual.
If the choice is correct, one should be able to solder a person’s characteristics by seeing who they have chosen. It is the same thing that is repeated in the proverb – “tell me who you are with, and I will tell you who you are.”
Lasting prosperity in the family usually gives an indication that there is a good inheritance present. It can probably go a bit in waves, but mostly the same genera will go high up again, unless degeneration erases the genus or a branch of it. But in recent times with money thinking, prosperity does not have to be proof of good qualities, on the contrary. It can testify to greed and cynicism and a total lack of understanding of society’s organic whole.
Choice of profession gives one a clue about a spouse’s makeup, but one should beware of those who chase after money. Those who call themselves socialists or communists are often nothing more than people who have had bad luck as capitalists.
One who has reached a higher level than the family and has a good inheritance behind him should marry upwards. Downwards in strata one can only marry when the spouse’s family lays above the stratums average.
The men of the nobility often married downwards. The women, on the other hand, were too proud for it, and would rather remain unmarried. And a woman who marries downwards rarely becomes happy. When choosing a spouse, one must keep in mind that there are not just two individuals who are brought together, but two families, and that difficulties therefore arise if these come from different classes and environments.
A factory waitress, office lady or shop assistant is often proletarian and has lost the ability to become a good housewife. A maid has in her choice of profession shown her female instinct and aptitude for domestic chores, and one can assume that she can become a good housewife.
Great men are often poorly married, something which proves that they have developed especially in a certain direction at the expense of sound judgment. Nietzsche says of these: “This man seemed to me worthy, but when I saw his wife the earth seemed to me to be a madhouse.”
The good housewife who can lead a house, create a harmonious home and raise the children to a meaningful life must be the ideal. It is good advice to see the spouse’s mother before choosing, she will in her older years look more like her than her father.
From the East with Christianity, we have gotten a split of body and soul that does not belong to the good. The body as something laden and ugly, the soul as something nice and exalted. If a face, eyes and body are beautiful, healthy and strong without artificial help, then so is the soul if the person is of a uniform race.
The ideal of beauty was originally as the leading stratum looked, and the difference between inner and outer beauty is a consequence of racial crossing. There one’s instinct must say no, sure and confident instincts are proof that the person is of pure race and that soul and body are a harmonious whole.
The sense of beauty and health is awakened through properly designed sports where everyone participates. The fact that a few participate and tens of thousands sit and look on and scream, that does not lead to the health of a Volk.
Beauty, that is an expression of health and harmony, and only in movement do you really become aware of the inner man. The way one walks, runs and works is something completely personal, which for the one who has the ability to judge reveals the real person.
The young people must be taught to judge the way of walking, hip movements, shoulders, hand, neck and head movements as mental reflexes. When a person sleeps or is tired, gets in the mood in a festive layer, it also shows his true self. It is confirmed by the old saying that – “From drunk people and children one hears the truth.”
Urban people and intellectuals; have an easy time ignoring the voice of instinct, or they completely lack their instinct. But one should take notice of traits that repel one, because the instinct often uses the ideal of beauty in a more sensible way than the brain does.
If infatuation was love and something that led to a right choice, then we would have a lot of happy marriages. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Falling in love is something that comes when one’s inner self is full of restlessness, sexual desire and a feeling of loneliness. During such periods, infatuation suddenly appears and tricks one into believing that it is love.
An attentive judge of character knows when another can fall in love and that the goal of falling in love is more or less arbitrary. If the love is there and it is mutual, then there will be engagement. In that time you get to know each other better, but infatuation is blind love, and you push all warnings aside and spasmodically hold on to the other as the great ideal.
The time after the wedding one’s eyes open, –brings one to sense. One learns to look at the other with a critical eye. Then the conflict begins, divorce comes up, and there is talk of a marital crisis throughout the civilized world. And it is searched with light and lantern for cures.
Peter Altenberg says: “There is no crisis in the marriage issue. It has only arisen because idiots of both sexes give in to the sexual demands of the moment or for financial reasons try to persuade each other to believe that they are destined for each other.” – Infatuation results in more failed marriages than rational marriages, because the latter have not dreamt themselves up into the clouds.
Falling in love is blind love, and love alone is too little for a lasting marriage. Health and fitness also follow. And love should be the result of permeated feeling and sense as well as the desire for a healthy and beautiful spouse and children.
Berhard Shaw says about marriage: It is with marriage as with Freemasonry. Those who are outside them know nothing, and those who are inside them dare not say anything. For two who belong together, there are no hours of spiritual emptiness, because they complement each other – even when there is silence. They create their own atmosphere in their home. Marriage is a responsibility that one assumes towards life, family and society. And the responsibility for unhappy marriages is largely the responsibility of the democratic state and school. Primary school feminizes the boys, and the school did not teach anything about the different characteristics of man and woman. The ideal was the one who read out loud and neglected his body, and no one learned anything about hereditary traits or got any ideal image of spouse and home.
Individuals have their bright moments and their weak moments. Everything goes in waves in this life, a rhythm with legal periods. First it is the day with its rhythm of morning, noon, evening and night. In addition, mood periods for men with 23 days and for women 28, we are affected by rays from the sun, moon and cosmos. There are also periods of greater wavelengths that run over several years. If, for example, we take 7 years, we have school maturation at the beginning of the second period, sexual maturation begins at the third and the boy becomes a man and a soldier at the fourth period.
Divorce is rare in the countryside. The peasant population adheres to what can be controlled, follows the statutory rhythms and also chooses their spouse with greater certainty. City people, on the other hand, have had their instincts confused. It is probably the case that the cities have a higher level of intelligence, but it is because the best go from the village to the city. But the city is an artificial world with machines and schemes far away from the natural life. Urban people think and discuss about things that cannot be controlled with other people who have also lost their contact with nature, and the consequence is that they are subject to influence and mass suggestion.
The urban youth use arts and tricks and stagger up in silk and leather and add an acre to their growth with high heels and stuffed shoulders, paint their faces and pretend to be more than they are. They take on a face as if they possessed both wealth and abilities and deceive each other mutually into quarrels. They do not see each other in everyday toil like the people of the country, and marriage becomes more of a lottery. The big lots fall on just a few, most feel deceived and throw themselves into the metropolitan jungle’s diversity of extravagances as a replacement for the lost happiness.
In an unhappy marriage, the children often take damage to the soul, and for that reason the girls in particular become afraid to get married. There can be a split in the love life so that they love loud with the soul and romantic and bodily spill down. If there is a sexual connection with one of the poorer castings, they regret this and give up the marriage, and are lost for life and family.
No man has 100% male characteristics and no woman 100% female. Men who have little of the feminine in them misunderstand woman and choose stupidly. Manly women, those with strong masculine characteristics, often sacrifice themselves for weak men and for that reason have weaker children than their characteristics suggest.
Seductive and false ideals from movies, magazines and newspapers make us admire one, love another, flirt with a third and a fourth, which we have not cared about really suits us. We must have other ideals than those that film and literature have hitherto fooled on us and thereby made so many people’s lives an accident. ‘Jåle portraits’ are not something of lasting value, we must find a spouse who provides clarity in everyday demands, is a heartfelt participant in our sorrows and provides relief in illness. A good wife makes her mark on everything and everyone in the home and alleviates the loneliness everyone has and which cannot be cleared away even with the finest love.
Everyone should in their spouse seek the complement of their own being, find what one does not have. Most good marriages are ended due to conscious or unconscious demands for infilling. Two do not have to have common interests, the similarity lies in the soul. And that is why a husband and wife in a good marriage often resemble each other.
Being left-handed is not considered a good brand, but there are many great men and personalities who have been left-handed. Examples include Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. A left-handed man has more feminine qualities in him, and is thus more of a whole human being. Napoleon was thus not very manly in his physique.
With different religions, difficulties often arise and different races are even worse. One should preferably know the spouse’s family and relatives in order to know the nature of traits and possible hereditary diseases.
If the man has 80% masculine and the woman 20% masculine qualities and vice versa, then there should be a prospect of lasting happiness when they otherwise complement each other.
Opposite temperaments complement each other and create a richer unity with the right choice of spouse, in addition to the children having greater opportunities to go further. No one can marry and choose according to schedule, but it is still good to have some rules to adhere to.
Because it means so very much.
– Kiferhof
“For most people, reading is a series of printed words that pass revue on the retina.
Those who have instinct and sense find between lines and words the deeper meaning, they also find spirit and soul that come from the author’s innermost being.” – OFO.
Source: SS-Heftet, nr. 2, 1944 p. 13-19, Translated by Karl Jægerlund
Where can We live without negroes and the jews
infiltrating Our White North European Culture?
Northern Maine. Madawaska to be precise.
Thank You Richard, I’ll check it out.