As An SS Man
‘Hold the ancestors in reverence. Be true to the folk. May our people find a happy future.’
– Last Will and Testament of SS Corporal Leo R.
You are an SS Man. That means you are not a mercenary who is recruited to fight for something simply for a salary, even if it’s of no other concern to you. As an SS Man, you represent your own people, your own blood. As an SS Man, you also represent the SS, a community, an order within your people, whose special tasks are the keeping pure of the blood, the elevation of the worth of the race. When you stand in a foreign land, with a weapon in your hand, you thus have a double duty: you must represent your people and you must be worthy of the SS.
We praise God and his worldly creation more believingly the more proud and confident we appear in it. The laughing eye, the agile step, the spirit that is truly able to take joy and to lift itself, genuine youthfulness, genuine manliness, steadfastness, love, comradeship, those are the standard bearers of God.
-excerpted from “SS Ideology” by Karl Hammer (1994)