Fellowship Of Blood
From the very beginning of our serious (National Socialist) activity in holding the meetings (in München circa 1920-1921), I (Adolf Hitler) introduced the organization of a hall guard (i.e. Sturmabteilung = Storm-Battalion) as a group to control the crowds (attending my early speeches).
This group included nothing but young (German) men. Some of them were friends I knew from the (Imperial German) army and others were recently recruited members of the (National Socialist) Party who were instructed and trained from the beginning to believe that terrorism can only be broken by terrorism; that the bold and determined man has always been the one to succeed in the World; and that we are fighting for an idea so tremendous, so great, and so noble that it deserves to be sheltered and protected with the last drop of blood.
They were saturated with the doctrine that if reason remains silent, then violence has the last word. The best defensive weapon is attack. They were also taught that our control-troops should have the reputation of being a desperately determined fighting fellowship and we were not a debate club. These young people had been longing for such a battle-cry! This generation of men from the trenches (of the First World War) has been disappointed and outraged, filled with disgust and hatred for the actions of the cowardly and unmanly (German) privileged-class! Here is where everyone really began to understand how the (Bolshevik) Revolution (throughout various German cities circa 1919-1921) had been made possible only because of the catastrophic failure of the privileged-class (German) leadership.
The fists to protect the German people from the (Bolshevik) Revolution were available even then, but the heads that were needed to pledge themselves to action were not to be found (despite the best efforts of e.g. the Freikorps). How the eyes of my young men used to shine at me when I explained to them how necessary their mission was, and when I assured them again and again that all the wisdom in the World would fail if it is not backed up by strength to protect and defend it.
I told them that the gentle Goddess of Peace can only walk beside the God of War, and that every great deed of peace requires the protection and assistance of strength. The necessity and vision of military duty appeared in a much more vivid light! This is not duty in the frozen sense of old, fossilized (Imperial/Republican) officials who are serving the dead authority of a dead (Imperial/Republican) State, but in a living realization of a duty strong enough that one will surrender his life to defend the existence of his people (i.e. ethnicity) as a whole, anywhere and anytime.
How those young men stood up to accept their duty! (The Storm-Battalion) would fly like a swarm of hornets at anyone who disturbed our (NSDAP) meetings, not caring if they were met with a superior force (of Communists/Marxists) or if they had to sacrifice through wounds and blood. They were obsessed with the great idea of clearing the road for our (National Socialist) movement’s sacred mission.
~Based (with contextual historical interpolations) upon chapter “The Struggle with the Red Front” from the anonymous Wewelsburg Archives 2018 translation of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
© Copyright 2021 of Fritz Maes.