Be More, Seem Less!
Our spiritual style
We consider it a good sign when our opponents throw down flyers that are especially aimed at the Waffen-ᛋᛋ. The opponents thus seem to believe that they are attacking the most powerful bearers of the national idea, something which speaks to our honor and that we are considered the most passionate representatives of a clear and uncompromising National Socialist line.
Everyone knows that precisely the Waffen-ᛋᛋ is put in front of the others to defend the Germanic culture in Europe. In and with the military victory, falls also the decision for Europe’s reorganization through the Germanic worldview.
Clarity and responsibility
In this consciousness lies a great responsibility. It is possible that individuals and groups have serious thoughts about the renewal of our religion and our worldview. However leadership and responsibility for the deployment of spiritual weapons does not fall to them, but instead Adolf Hitler and the leading men of the movement.
The Germanic ᛋᛋ, which is Adolf Hitler’s order of Nordic men, bears a significant part of this responsibility. And we are proud to be recognized as bearers of a pure faith and a clear political line by both friend and foe.
The German demand for leadership in Europe presupposes full and complete clarity in the ideological thoughts. We are aware that a Volk cannot be governed by half-heartedness and compromise, but by straightforward, clear-thinking, brave and at the same time realpolitik-acting men. There is no one who surpasses us in clarity and determination, and should anyone take our preliminary restraint for uncertainty, then it will turn out that it is wrong as so often before.
The soldier style
The style of our worldview is primarily determined by the simple and harsh demands of military life. It is disciplined and simple, and does not suit people who say one thing and mean something else. Above all, our ideology is phrase-free. The soldier as well as the political soldier looks danger in the eye. His senses are sharpened. He does not talk about his actions. If it so happens he goes to his death without complaining.
His inner relationship to the Creator of all things is also simple and clear, and he needs no intermediary between himself and his God.
From him he has received life and to him he gives it back. He knows that no one will help him, not even God if he does not alone do everything to free himself from distress and death. The Germanic people’s fidelity to their God is—despite centuries of eclipse through terror and fear motifs of foreign peoples—persistently the same, and especially in hard times it is pure and clear.
It makes the Nordic man so calm, fearless and unworried. Soldier virtues are essential to our worldview. He who has not gone through National Socialism’s kampfzeit and the military education, the consequent fulfillment of duty, discipline and harshness towards himself, is not worthy to bear the spiritual responsibility of our Volk.
For no custom and morality is given without a deeper background. An army without a clear worldview that only professes to the external forms can at best only line up with parade soldiers, and such fail in a modern war where clarity and independent action are required.
Another thing is thus settled. The Nordic man’s relationship to his God has its center of gravity in the spiritual and not in the external form. It is especially crucial for the spiritual work within the ᛋᛋ, for our camaraderie evenings and celebrations. One must not forget that the Germanic protest against the church is not least due to the fact that the Nordic sense of style has risen against any form that does not express a simple and natural religion.
The life of the Germanic man shows in his world, in his family and in his Volk, such deep relations, that it does not need any soul-compulsion or magic to preserve its religious core.
A good core
It is a mistake to think that the soldier-style which with us has almost a mythical significance does not correspond to the fine receptivity which is necessary to lead our Volk spiritually. In the time of Frederick the Great, the fragility and harshness of the outer form had a unique connection with the inner musical richness of the German soul. You can read letters and records from statesmen and soldiers in what was then Prussia that prove what a delicate feeling they had despite the harsh surface.
On Germanic soil, the last inner expressions just needs a certain veil through restrained word scarcity. The Nordic man does not flaunt daily his most valuable qualities. Precisely in this area applies the saying: Mehr sein als scheinen – Be more, seem less. He knows what can be described as reverence for religious things. The less he talks about it, the more it determines his action.
The external restraint has nothing to do with artistic emptiness. On the contrary, the spiritual and artistic history of our Volk has proved the inexhaustible riches that lurk in Europe’s military nation that even has the power to renew other peoples.
The inner richness that is kept like this behind the hard shell does not easily become too old. An eternal youth and clarity radiate from our Volk’s history. It makes it forever possible to renew after severe disasters. What others find hard and crushing about us, is basically the youthful power of a Volk who, despite a rough and hard surrounding bark, still comes with fresh dewy branches and green leaves.
Decency and self-criticism
By decency and self-criticism is meant no contrived and hypocritical morality. Our age is too serious and hard for us to allow long overcome mistakes to reappear. Many so-called faith-teachings in our time have perished because they have mixed together fantastical wishful images with scientific insights.
Primitive thinking has no precedent for the leadership in the religious or ideological field. Primitiveness must not be confused with a naturalness led by healthy instincts. For us, scientific work is an indispensable component of the decent and clear spiritual attitude. We accept the scientific acknowledgement and see no other way than with our senses and thoughts to penetrate even deeper into Nature’s laws.
He who does not want to acknowledge this urge in Germanic man is a romantic or utopian, filled with distrust of the real world, where also our thoughts and senses belong.
We are of the perception that every fruitful work speaks for the belief in a natural world order, something which is strengthened and proven in everything that occurs.
It is in the bright, courageous, and disciplined spirit with which we go to work to liberate the Germanic roots of our Volk. And this spirit determines the style of our political and
religious life.
– W. Gschwend.
Source: SS-heftet, nr. 5, 1944, p. 6-9, translated by Karl Jægerlund