God Speaks From Every Apple Tree
Blooming Apple Tree I walked a path of deep sorrow and God’s grace appeared to me miles away. When I was greeted by a tree at meadows edge. And at once bright again the land became. Oh tree in spring! I lifted my tired head. And a thousand bees hummed, pollinated in gold. They carried home their hidden load. I was no longer aware of my grief. For to whom could the world still appear dark, When all the treetops stand white in bloom? And who feels still alone here in this space? God speaks from every apple tree.
– Otto Blüse
Source: Deutscher Glaube, May 1940, p. 4, Translation done by KaiserM
Fantastic work, Blake!
A glowing poem with a perfect accompanying photo. In spite of what White traitors and kike rats have done, these words reach through time and tap us on the shoulder. Bravo Blake Hood.