Send In Questions To Us!
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Hello Volkish readers!
Our next Manifest Destiny will be a Q & A show. It’s time to hear back from you, the audience (finally).
If you have any questions about books or topics we have covered or just want us to speculate about something you have been thinking about this is your chance. Depending how much of a response we get, it may have to be a two parter. But rest assured all “appropriate” questions will be answered!
So please send in a question or two to me by email (volkishlife@protonmail.com) or post it below in the comments.
What is yall’s opinion on the United States only Anglo Saxon thing? I am only half old stock anglo and the rest being slav and med and my current opinion leans more towards as long as you are European of good character you are good for me, and then maybe focus on transitioning back to breeding between only related European ethnicities.
1.Tell us what has happened to Mr.Bond & how we can help.
2.Any other sites or people you recommend?
I have been interested in your blog for a while. I would like to ask, what was the journey you had to make to discover to the Volkish Worldview?
Once Whites become absolutely minorities in our own lands, what will be the path forward (reasonable fed posting allowed)?
When are you getting the library done?
Its been years, ffs…
Thoughts on the view that the US should’ve annexed Mexico in its entirety? I’m not convinced Anglo-Saxon America was prepared to commit to mass removal (in any sense), making way for America’s browning ahead of schedule. I found this quote by the late Senator John C. Calhoun to be quite compelling:
[We] have never dreamt of incorporating into our Union any but the Caucasian race the free white race. To incorporate Mexico, would be the very first instance of the kind of incorporating an Indian race; for more than half of the Mexicans are Indians, and the other is composed chiefly of mixed tribes. I protest against such a union as that! Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race. The great misfortunes of Spanish America are to be traced to the fatal error of placing these colored races on an equality with the white race….
Are we to associate with ourselves as equals, companions, and fellow-citizens, the Indians and mixed race of Mexico? [Mr. President], I would consider such a thing fatal to our institutions….
In Mein Kampf, Hitler specifically differentiates between the political and religious/spiritual struggle, he is sure to express that he was a man of policy and statesmanship rather than that of religious reformer in the vein of Martin Luther, which can be seen in his apparent hypocrisy in regards to building churches (of many denominations) in Germany, while privately (via Hitler’s table talk/Ahnenerbe) he expressed doubts about the Christian religion. Though Hitler in many ways is a template for dissident political and social struggle, this point in particular is difficult for me to reconcile with our current situation, in the United States, religiosity has been declining substantially by generation, with Generation Z being extremely spiritually retarded, its spiritual growth stunted. There are of course many factors which have caused this, no doubt the cult of modern science and the role of social media and technology must be acknowledged here, however, this creates a difficult situation for a prospective leader, there are generational, denominational, political and social rifts dividing the massive White American population of ~190 million, a problem exacerbated no doubt by the other multitudes of peoples populating America, with their distinct cultural and religious identities. Given this situation, should a leader; 1) heed Hitler’s advice and ignore the question of religiosity in their political endeavors, 2) embrace Christianity and leverage it to mobilize the US White population, or 3) adopt a stance antithetical to Christianity (something in the vein of Oera Linda style monotheism as a replacement/understanding of Christianity as a Jewish spiritual movement) and provide an alternative. Sorry for the long-windedness, but the context was necessary, thanks!
I have some questions.
What is your thought on the new war in Europe, and society and peoples reaction to it?
Just another brother’s war?
What is your thought on inflation and rising prices on gas, food, and housing?
Something to be frightened over, or just another rift in the markets?
What is your thought on the Buffalo shooter, and the alt-right’s reaction to him?
Where is Nick?